Where are we going?

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and supernatural situations.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I met him at the door, he came into the room quickly and gave me a very cheeky smile.

"They stayed asleep..."

I handed him his leather jacket, he turned to the side and let me put it on him, when he faced forward I smoothed out the front and straightened his collar.

Looking up at him I saw that he was giving me a look of softness, I could see the love behind his eyes, getting up on my tip toes I kissed him deeply.

"Please take care of yourself." I expressed.

"I will..." Wrapping his bionic arm around my waist he pulled me hard against him, after a moment he moved back and left the house, the emptiness of palpable.

Wrapping my arms around myself I walked back into the house.

I remembered that my grandfather, Steve had talked about how happy he was to just work a normal job and come home to Peggy, he said it would be awful to be a husband and father and an Avenger.

I thought that this was an insane point of view, I was shocked that he didn't miss being an Avenger.

"I understand..." I muttered to myself, having him leave me and our children to go to god knows where was painful.

I was walking into the kitchen when the video monitor on the tablet showed that our daughter was awake, I quickly moved to the room and pulled her from the crib before she could wake up her brother.

I got her out of the room in time, she yawned and snuggled against me, I started to walk with her and gently move back and forth rocking her.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I made my way to the main city; I knew that I had left her in the safest place she could be. When I met up with Sam and Shuri.

"Is she alright?" Shuri asked, I gave her a smile.

"Yes, thank you for getting the place ready for us, you have no idea how much it means to us, she is so happy and that makes me happy."

She smiled. "No problem White Wolf, you and her really do deserve some privacy and to have a small place to call your own."

"I hope one day we can leave Wakanda."

"I know, we are trying to make it safe but with everything that has happened with time and everything...thank you for agreeing to say here where you are safe."

"Are you sure that she is safe there?" Sam asked as we walked to the hover craft.


"I mean, are you sure that she is safe from – him?"

He paused before saying 'him', I knew he was talking about the other me, James.

"Yes, I think he finally is willing to leave us alone."

"Are you sure."

"I hope so, because I finally have my family, and I will do anything to protect it." I confessed, knowing that I would now protect what I have with my very life. I shook my head, doing my best to focus.

"So where are we going?" I questioned.   

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now