We Are One

654 39 7

Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships – trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I pulled away from his lips, finding that I needed air, his very smell was heady and strong, masculine and sexy. 

"I'm so sorry for everything that I have done to you..." He apologized.

I looked at him shocked to say the least, I did my best to try and figure out why he was apologizing to me, he was looking down ashamed, I reached out and put my hand at his cheek, cupping it he turned into my touch, making my heart melt.

"What do you mean?"

"I...I have been thinking about this for a while, since you called forth The Winter Soldier, Chase I shouldn't have crossed the boundary with you."

"What boundary?"

"You were Steve's great granddaughter, honestly me going after you in a sexual and relationship manner was beyond selfish."

I opened my mouth in shock at him, I wasn't sure where this was coming from

"I wasn't exactly innocent in any of this Bucky, if memory serves me right I was the one that went after you for the most part.

He narrowed his eyes, looking at me then looked down to the side, clearly thinking about something.

"Actually, it was The Winter Soldier who was the first one to take you, in Russia."

"That doesn't count, you didn't know who I was."

I wasn't sure why I was defending that point, other than it was true.

I watched him closely, my eyes narrowed at seeing him, it was when I noticed his whole-body change, I gulped realizing what was happening.

Could he control it, or was this involuntary, I had no idea.

I stepped back from him and put my hand on my former baby bump - I was still in a little bit of pain, it wasn't that I thought that I was in danger or anything it was just, unsettling, I wasn't sure I was ready to deal with that side of him. 

He looked up at me, even though he still had the same face, he looked fucking different, mean, harder, darker, and well sexy.

As soon as I saw it, it went away. He was still in there, The Winter Soldier, it was as if he wanted to show me that he was still around and aware.

I gulped. "Come on, let's go to bed."

I felt myself start to shiver, and he walked forward and gently moved me to the bed, gently pushing me down on it, I allowed him to take control with me.

He did as he promised, he laid down next to me and pulled me into his arms.

"You are warm..." I muttered nuzzling my head against his chest.

"And you are cold, are you alright?"

"Yeah...you know the doctor that looked me over yesterday said that I was running a bit cold, something we can't explain.

"Close your eyes and get some rest then, if the kids wake up, I will take care of them."

I did as I was told, breathing him in, he smelled different than James did, I couldn't quite describe it, it was just, different.

I woke up later to kissing on my neck, and a hand on my hip, going under the shirt and against my bare skin.

"Good, you're awake..."

His tone of voice was deep and baritone – and Russian, my eyes flew open, and I looked at Bucky, who was not Bucky, but him, I sat up and stumbled back.

"Easy...I mean you no harm, the babies are beautiful, they have eaten, they are easy and fell back to sleep easy."

I felt tears start to come to my eyes, he reached out and wiped them.

"You know that me and Bucky are one, I missed you, and I mean you or the cubs no harm..." He moved forward and got on top of me, making me lay on my back as he looked down at me.

"Are you alright?" He leaned down and kissed me.

"I know you are not ready...I'm scared to hurt you, but are you against me eating, I haven't had anything eat all night."

"Eat?" I gasped.

"Eat you..."

"Fuck...I...guess that is alright..."

I shyly agreed, he smiled and moved down my body, kissing my stomach and hips as he pulled off my pants, having his warm lips on me made me start crying, I had missed him.

When he got to my core and licked me, I let out a very embarrassing cry of enjoyment, and I burst into sobs, covering my mouth.

He pulled back, didn't look up and kissed my thigh gently.

"Do you want me to stop?"

I was feeling pleasure and guilt in equal measure, I missed James but being with both Bucky and the Winter Soldier, I was still in love with him, but I was so conflicted, his tongue moved deep into me and I cried, grabbing at his now short hair, he didn't let up.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now