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Chapter Warning: Explicit Sexual Content, BDSM, Rough Sexual Play, possible trigger warning.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Present Day}

The kiss was dominating and passionate, very odd for The Winter Solider.

I had no idea how to respond to it so I just went along - his tongue entered my mouth, he tasted wild and earthy, I pulled back from him when I realized that I was holding my breath and I panted gulping air.

His hands moved quicky as he moved his hands down and literally took off my shirt then reached for my undershirt.

"Fuck...can you at least find a bed..." I gasped, somewhat uncomfortable at the idea of being taken right here on the floor.

The Winter Solider stopped and looked at me pointedly, and in one fluid motion he picked up into his arms, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Gde?" he asked me where, I nodded with my head in the direction he should go and he quickly walked out of the room and up the stairs - he carried me with ease.

I realized as he made his way down the hall that he was about to fuck me in my childhood bed - sexy I guess, when we got in he set me down on the bed gently and stepped back - the predatory look in his eyes was palpable.

I leaned up on my arms watching him strip down - he did it slowly, his eyes never leaving me - but he was quick and efficient and gently placed his clothes on the desk in my room.

Looking at him naked I realized that he looked mostly the same as he did in 2008, he had a few more scars and looked a bit older, his metal arm looked nicer and it didn't look as painful as his old one - and his shorter hair made him look more civilized then did when he had long hair - but he the same untamed look was in his eyes now as it was then.

I whimpered as laid back, shivering in anticipation of what he was going to do - I should be fighting him and making a run for it - but...well I didn't really want to, not really.

With a low growl he moved forward and I didn't move as he stripped me down naked, I simply allowed him to do it and move my body in any way he needed. He was quick and professional when stripping me naked. I felt cold and exposed.

"Ty prinadlezhish' mne da" He gently asked...'you belong to me, yes?'. That question confused me so much so I had to think of what to say, I had a feeling this was a question that I should differentiate things.

"Moye telo da..." I was shocked at my own words when I said 'My body, yes.'

He crawled up on the bed and my legs spread as he settled his full weight between them, he grasped my hair roughly with his metal arm and leaning down he bit my neck.

I scratched at his back as he slowly - using his hips to move while having his body weight pin me - he sank his cock into me so slowly it was to the point of torture - I hadn't had sex for years...he was, he's the only one whom I have ever been intimate with.

His movements were powerful but controlled, I half expected him to fuck me doggle style but he didn't. I looked him over - his broad shoulders and powerful arms - he looked down at me, his blue having a bit of emotion behind them.

I struggled under him but never asked him to stop - I didn't want him to stop - but I was struggling with surrendering, he was still in control but I was confused when he kissed my collarbone, neck and chin gently as if he was trying to reassure me.

He continued this slow and methodical pace for a good while, then after I couldn't take it anymore, I sobbed as my body betrayed me and I came under him crying out, quickly he lifted my hips with his flesh and blood hand, changing the angle so I could feel each pulse of his cock as he came in me shortly after I came.

He held me there until he had finished gently kissing my jaw as if he was trying to comfort me.,

With a growling sigh he pulled away from me and got off the bed, I half expected him to leave but he didn't, he pulled back the bedsheets and I moved under them at his nod. He walked over his pants and pulled out a huge knife.

Coming back over to the bed he crawled back up and under the covers. With the knife in one hand he put in under the pillow that was under my head - then turning on his sigh he used his other arm to pull me closer against him.

He was cuddling you but could wake up and stab someone if he wished, I closed my eyes and nuzzled against his chest, noticing that he smelled nice.

I wasn't even aware that I feel asleep until I heard someone gently clear there throat, looking up at the door I saw Shuri standing there - aiming a gun at him, looking over I saw Buck...The Winter Soldier was still sleeping- he was now half on top of me pinning me down, both of us were naked but covered by a thin sheet. I was mortified as I felt that his cum had dried on the outside and inside of me and I was now sticky and itchy.

"You are not hurt are you?" She looked legit worried.

I shook my head, I wasn't sure what I was at this moment but I knew hurt wasn't it.

"You need to slowly move away from him without waking him up..."  I looked over at him. in the hell was I going to do that?

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now