Asgardian Leather

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I had just fed and changed and dressed our daughter and now I was working on our son, she was happy to coo and giggle at the mobile.

I smiled at my children.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would be a mother, nor did I thnk I would mother children with Bucky Barnes.

I don't know how but I felt something in the back of my neck before a time door opened, my eyes narrowed because it was green, normally they were orange.

Loki walked though, he looked tired, and he was wearing his full Asgardian leather outfit and he was wearing his golden horns, I had never seen them on his head, only on the table next to him, it painted a very intimidating picture.

I dry swallowed. "Loki?"

"Hi..." He smiled widely at me, I saw excitement in his eyes.

I felt my heart break at the look in his eyes, I knew what that was, I clearly knew what that was.

"How long as it been for you?"

I saw instantly in his eyes that it had been a while.

"To long."

I knew that I didn't want to push it, this was the second visit he has had in the past few weeks, for me it was only a few weeks, but I could tell for him it's been a while.

"Can I hold her why you are with him."

"Of course." He walked over and picked her out of her crib, it was like she already knew who he was, and she giggled loudly.

"What is happening to you?"

"Nothing I can tell you, just know that everything has mostly been put it its rightful place and timelines have been restored."

I wanted to ask about James, but I had a feeling that he couldn't tell me anything.

"Are you going to keep coming and seeing them? Are you going to keep seeing me?"

With all of the craziness of my life, being who I am and having to deal with everything – Loki has been a constant in my life, a touchstone of sorts.

"It will be not to long for you, but for me, a while – I want to watch them grow up, so I'm going to be selfish and do just that." He looked around.

"New home?"

"Yes it's Bucky and mine's."

He looked around again. "Where is Mr. Barnes?"

"He's on a mission."

He looked at me, and before he could recover from it I saw that something flash across his eyes.

"Oh, okay."

I continued to dress my son and let Loki do his grandfather type thing and entertain my daughter.

"Can you stay a while? I'm kind of lonely at the moment, I didn't realize how I would feel when Bucky left to go on a mission." I questioned gently as I picked up my son, it was as honest as I could be in this moment – being alone was kind of disheartening.

"Yeah, I have a bit of time."

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

{The Next Day}

I ran back to the hovercraft, my flesh and blood arm was bleeding, right as I got in it cloaked and we were safe.

"I didn't think it would go that sideways." Sam laughed, I gave him a look but smiled as well, I hadn't had this much fun in a while.

All things aside, I was a soldier, I had been a soldier most of my life, I felt like I belonged in the middle of the action.

I had been craving it, and it helped with an anxious mind and anger. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now