Bringing Steve and Bucky

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

(Present Day)

"Buck you need to eat something."

I was pacing back and fourth, I looked over and saw that Steve had made me what looked like a ham sandwich.

"I can't eat until she is in my arms again."

I used my bionic arm to wrap around my waist, I knew that I hadn't eaten that much the past few days. Loki was still gone and I felt like I was in some kind of holding pattern.

"Buck, you need to take care of yourself."

I turned an annoyed look at him, I loved this man, more than anything but sometimes he would get on my nerves.

"How are you not freaking out?"

Steve fixed me with a very stern and understanding look, looking at him now I noticed that her eyes, while green, were exactly like this. I could see him in her.

"I love my granddaughter – but I know that I am not useful to her as long as I'm not taking care of myself – what if Loki comes back and we have to take her from the other guy – you need energy and need to be at your best."

He was right, my kind boy scout of a best friend was right, I nodded at him and he gave me a triumphant smile as I sat down and took a bite of the sandwich, taking a bite of the food made me feel better, I chewed and swallowed.

"This is good Steve, thank you."

--- Chase's Point of View ---

(In-between Time)

I got up and got clean and dressed, waiting for him to find me breakfast.

I leaned down on my back on the bed, putting my hand on my swollen belly.

I let my thoughts and feelings roam freely and I felt myself start to cry, things have been so insane the past few weeks and things were overwhelming.

I knew that I had to make a choice between James and Bucky – something that still confused me, because in many ways they are the same man, in others – they really are different.

"If Steve knew what I had done..."

"He would be fucking furious, but this is more my fault."

"FUCKING SHIT!" I sat up shocked to see Loki sitting in the char that was right across from me.

"Loki you found me..."

He smiled but there was a serious expression on his face.

"Are you here to take me back?"

He let out a sigh and gave me a sad and curious look.

"Do you want to go?"

"What?...yeah I do."

"Really? If I take you I am going to make sure that he is written out of existence alone with his timeline..."

I let out a gasp at that, but didn't say anything, Loki had known me for long enough that he knew I had a problem with that, he leaned against the wall.

"You fucking love the man."

"I love my timelines Bucky..."

"The two are not mutually exclusive, do you love him or not?"


"This is my fault, I shouldn't have interfered in the course of things as much as I have, I'm diverted the timeline and I have done it for you... I'm sorry ."

I didn't like his tone of voice and his expression, fear started to build in my stomach.

"I'm bringing Bucky and Steve to this timeline – I'm sorry Chase."

With that he opened a time door and stepped though it, closing it behind him.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now