Past and Present

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships – trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"Shit we didn't know you were bringing two little ones with you." Shuri laughed running up to me, playfully I covered my daughter Natasha's one ear as I pressed her head against my chest.

I looked over at Bucky carrying our son Steve. "Sorry it was an oversight; I didn't want to come here without my family."

"Watch your language." I chastised.

She walked right up and grabbed Natasha from my arms, she looked so delighted to see a baby it was easy to give her up, Sam came walked up, smiling.

He walked up to Bucky and gave him a half hug, Steve cried out in protest and Sam looked down at him, touching his tiny nose.

Bucky had been called to a meeting in Wakanda, I offered to stay back but he insisted that I come, he said it was because he wanted to show his beautiful kids and me off, but really, I knew that he was scared I would leave again.

"Bucky we need to talk." Sam's voice was a bit strained; Bucky walked over to me and gently handed me our son. He hesitated and turned to face Sam.

"Do you want Chase to come and talk with us?"

Sam looked at me and made a motion of shrugging.

"She doesn't need to be, but if she wants to join..."

Honestly, I thought about it and I really fucking didn't want to, I have had to deal with enough and at this moment in time I just wanted to mother my children.

"I need to take care of the kids, it's almost time for their nap."

"And mother needs some rest and relaxation, they are so new, have you even recovered from giving birth?" Shuri asked worried.

"I'm a super soldier, I heal quickly."

"That doesn't matter, you still need to take care of the human side of you, let's get you settled in a room and you can wait for Bucky..."

I looked over at Bucky who gave me a smile, I realized just how handsome he was, and I felt awful for all that has happened, I walked away holding our son, looking down at him I saw Bucky in him, I made a vow in my heart that I would do everything to be a good partner to him.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

{8 Hours Later}

I walked into the huge room they set up for us, I had a shower and even had my bionic arm cleaned and serviced, it was a long meeting and I felt better.

I smiled as I saw the high tech and nice cribs they had set up at one end for our children, there was also a changing table next to it with what looked like fresh diapers in their size, I loved these people.

I looked over and saw her asleep in the bed, actually she was asleep on top of it, wearing a white nightdress, hair down and still a bit wet, she was so beautiful, but I noticed that she was curled up in a ball.

I wasn't sure why that worried me so much, she had been through it all and had just given birth, I knew that I wanted to make sure that she was safe, but she was...traumatized a little, she might not realize it but it is true.

The darker side of me was aware of this, I had stopped fighting it, I was living in harmony with him, I wasn't sure to what end.

With a sigh I stripped down to my boxers, and walked over to the cribs, our kids were asleep and looked like they were content.

I made my way to the bed, and crawled over to him and laid back on the bed pulling her into my arms, she stirred and whimpered, she looked at me, wrapping her body around mine she buried her head in my chest, and I felt her tears fall on my chest.

"Easy doll, we are together again, and I am not leaving you and our kids, sleep, you will still be in my arms when you wake up."  

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now