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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Earth Like Planet in Pegasus Galaxy In Between Time}

I was on my back trying to take deep breaths, the midwives that James had gotten had been with me the last few days.

I was in labor for six hours, and my twins came out only moments apart, the girl first, and the boy second.

James was at my head, he had helped me and was right by me through the birth, something that I knew normally didn't happen with men in the 1940's he was kissing my head and thanking me over and over, he cried freely.

I was glad the pain was over, that was a lot of work and I was exhausted.

Soon the mid wives were back, they had cleaned up the babies, who were so tiny because of the fact that they were twins, they handed my son in a red blanket to me and our daughter, in a pink blanket to him.

"They are so beautiful... and small." He sobbed gently, kissing our daughters little head, then leaning forward and kissing his sons head.

"What names are you giving them?"

We hadn't talked about that, I mean, we have but never made a choice.

"Let's decide that later..." I closed my eyes and I felt someone take my son from me, I gave him up easily, because I was starting to fall asleep because giving birth to a child that was part super soldier was exhausting.

"Thank you for them doll, they are beautiful and you are amazing, sleep I will take care of them until you wake up." James assured as I fell asleep with a smile.

--- Steve's Point of View ---

{Modern Day}

Out of all of the difficult things I have hand to face what happened the last few months have been the worst, I was being forced to watch the man who I grew up with, who I fought wars with, and who I would do anything for be reduced to something that was a shell of himself was awful and hard to bear.

Something happened a few weeks ago, a change in him that both I and Loki noticed but really couldn't put a finger on, it felt like he was losing all feeling.

Loki was looking for her and the other Bucky, he said it may take him a while and that we should try and go on with our life.

He stopped getting emotional and worried, he seemed to get a hold of himself, and now he was on a crusade to find her.

Half of me wondered if my great granddaughter didn't really pick the different timeless Bucky, it seems to both Loki and modern Bucky that it is impossible for her to make that decision, but at the same time I have a feeling she isn't being forced to do anything.

"Buck you need to let Loki find her."

"No, I'm going to find her and him."

"What are you going to do when you find them."

"Take her back home."

He stopped and ran a frustrated hand though this brown hair, I put my hand on his shoulder trying to be a comfort, but he shrugged off my hand.

"Do you think she had the babies by now?"

"Loki thinks it's a possibility." I added, it was something that hurt me as well.

"I should have been with her for that, by her side. They are my children Steve."

He turned to face me, it was then that I looked into his eyes, who was looking back at me wasn't Bucky, but The Winter Soldier.

I did my best to remain natural, I realized something, he might have turned off the humanity side of himself, and gave it back over to that darker side of the brain the Wakandans tried to shut off.

That is why he had the change in mood. Fear started to pool in my stomach. Where the hell was Loki?

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now