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 Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I looked down at her, she was blissfully naked and I had the covers, covering her lower body, he breasts were exposed, I took one in my hand.

She shifted not waking up.

I loved being able to touch her how I wanted.

My life started playing back in slow motion, the war, the snippets of memories of The Winter Soldier, then losing Steve – and meeting Chase.

My hand moved down to her lower stomach, I loved her curves, and I appreciated her body not just because of the beauty of it – but because it gave me two beautiful children.

I wiped a tear that had fallen, never did I think becoming a father was a possibility.

I was tired of war and fighting, I have fought for over 100 years by now – all that I wanted was a simple life looking after her and our kids.

The two years that I spent in Wakanda just living a simple life had been the most calming.

I wanted that now with her.

I was a bit restless and being so close to her – I wanted her again – it was the Super Soldier high sex drive at work.

I moved slowly so I wouldn't wake her up, got up and put on my pants and walked out of the hut and stood by the water – stretching a little, the moon reflected down on it casting an eerie blue glow.

I heard him before I saw him, turning I saw...me.

I wasn't shocked, I looked at his arm, it was my old titanium arm that Hydra gave me.

"I was wondering when I was going to run into you? What do you want?" I deadpanned, I stepped back a few steps, putting my body between him and the door to the hut.

He put his hands in his pockets and gave me a smile, inclining his head to the hut.

"Her, you know they are my kids."

My hurt thudded, I had a feeling they technically came from him, but it didn't really matter.

"That might be but we have the same DNA – maybe not the same background, so what is yours is mine, technically they are my children."

"Are they healthy?"

I blinked shocked at the worry and curiosity in his voice.

"Yes, they are both strong and beautiful, like there mother."

"And how is she?"

"I'll see you around Barnes." He turned and he started walking into the distance, I knew better than to go after him, I wasn't going to leave her open to him.

He walked over the hill and there was an odd orange glow that went on and off.

I closed my eyes, I knew he was gone – the truth was if I had a weapon on me, and Chase was far away from this location, I would have killed him.

"Bucky!" Chase's cry was so abrupt that it startled me, instantly I was back into the hut, she had sat up and had the blanket covering her.

"Where were you..."

"I'm sorry I was just getting some air..."

She moved out of the blanket and walked over to me, bestially jumping in my arms, I held her close, enjoying the skin-to-skin contact.

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't have left you."

I walked us back to the bed and set her down on it, she looked up at me – I saw Steve's eyes when I looked at her, softening my heart.

"Sorry, it's okay, you can leave me, just waking up is disorienting... I..." She paused and looked away for a moment.

I put my hand on her cheek and made her look up at me.

"I enjoy spending time with you – I just miss my kids."

"I understand, let's get dressed and get back to them."

"I'm sorry I still want to spend time with you."

"Hey doll..." I handed her, her shirt. "You are a new mother, I love how protective you are of our babies, truth be told I want to see them as well."

She smiled and put on her shirt with much eagerness. Maybe she would sleep in with them – and I could go out and find her an engagement and a wedding ring. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now