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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I was so alarmingly startled to see James standing there, every single instinct that I had as a mother – and the desire to protect my offspring at any cost.

"I knew you were watching me."

The expression in his blue eyes shifted to a more thoughtful expression, that turned into amusement – something that pissed me off.

"I'm never far from you – you would be sensible to not forget that." Tears came to my eyes, before they could fall far you brushed them away.

"I'm so sorry James." It was a blanket statement, there were a million things that I was sorry for – he could add this to any one of them.

"I know, I should go." He leaned down, how did I not notice that he was holding our son, he kissed him on the forehead? Then put him back in the crib and kissed our daughter. He looked up at me and pulled out a TEMPAD and opened a door.

Giving me a desolate and sad look before going thought the time door, it closed behind him, but I could smell forest – giving me a clue as to where he was going.

With a sigh I walked quickly over to the crib, looking down at the kids, they were wide eyed and all smiles, I watched somewhat detached as both of them looked around, clearly looking for there 'papa' and my son started to pout.

In this moment I was happy that they could not understand that they were dealing with another timeline Bucky – I'm sure they saw him and just thing "Papa." I worried myself for a moment, thinking about having to explain James and Bucky to them – that is going to be one hell of a conversation, how would that go...

"Hey kids, so I'm not sure who your father they are the same man different timelines not sure how that is going to go, I'm not sure if sleeping with both of them counted as cheating, enough questions eat your dinner..."

I was lost in thought when I looked up and saw Bucky walk in the room, part of me had a moment of confusion, was it James – no – the bionic arm was dark, Wakandan, this was Bucky.

"Do you want to help me feed our children."

I saw his eyes narrow at me.

"What...did I just miss?"

My heart started thudding hard, and I felt my breath start to pick up, did he know something, how did he know – I had to chastise myself, clearly by expression gave me away.

I had to think quickly.

"Steve has been so focused lately, it's almost like he understands what I am saying." I added, looking down at him, Bucky walked forward.

"Well he takes after his father...I'll feed our daughter and you feed our son?" He asked, I took a breath that shuttered but I didn't think that he noticed.

"That would be perfect."

He reached down into the crib and picked up our daughter, before our son could fuss I lifted him up and cradled him.

Fuck why couldn't things be simple, I never wanted this complicated of a life. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now