The Twins

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Authors Note: If you were reading my Steve Rodgers story Contrapasso, I've had to rewrite, condense, and repost it, you can find again with my other stories.

Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

He had just found a sweet spot with his lips on my neck when our babies started crying, in unison.

He pulled away, and looked over at the nursery door.

"Do you think as twins they sync up in some ways? They seem to do everything together."

He asked that so seriously that it took me a moment to really comprehend what he had said, and then laugh because it was funny.

I stopped laughter when I got up, then I thought about it.

"Honestly I don't know, they are twins so maybe, it's possible."

"Any ideas on how we can test it?"

I shrugged as we walked into the nursery, he walked over and reached down picking up our son and I got our daughter.

They were both wide awake and alert.

"Hello sweetheart."

"Are they hungry?" he questioned; I answered without hesitation.

"No that isn't their hungry cry, it's there pick me up cry."

I saw hurt cross his face as he looked down at the kids. I waited patiently.

"I wish I could tell the difference."

I walked over closer to him, standing there looking at him with a smile that filled my whole face. 

"You can."

He looked up and gave me a pained look.

"I should know by now, I'm sorry for not being around, I'm just – it's hard to deal with what happened, with everything that happened."

During our conversations we noticed that the twins had both fallen asleep, looking at one another we put them back down in their cribs, and quietly we left the room.

When we were back in the main one I turned and looked at Bucky and put my hands on the side of his arms, making him focus on me.

"You can know the difference, I will never keep your kids from you, you can come into see them at any time."

"I'm going to go for a run, I have way more energy than I should considering how little sleep I have gotten in the past few days."

"I can think of another way to work off your extra energy."

I didn't know where that came from, I found myself almost swallowing my tongue at what I said.

He stepped forward, it was so unexpected that I stepped back – it wasn't that I was scared of him it was that I was unsettled a little bit.

"Don't make an offer that you can not back up."

"I've taken you before."

"Don't tempt me."

"Please Bucky...I want you, like all the times in the past, I crave you, you are the one that I have been in love with forever – its you that I want in my bed, not James."

"I...I can't."

He turned and wordlessly left the room, I was stoned, my ego kind of bruised at being turned down, I pouted and the empty area in front of me.

"I would sleep with me..." I muttered turning back to the bed.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now