Imploding The Timeline

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Authors Note; This is the start of the storyline arch that I have been working up to, I am super excited to have you all read it. And thank you everyone for reading this story. I just saw I have 11.5K reads so thank you again.

STORY WARNING: This story has elements from the TV Loki so spoilers, contains swearing and a POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING FOR VIOLENCE!!!

--- Loki's Point of View ---

(Present Day)

I sat at my favorite spot, I had gone to Asgard before it was destroyed and stopped time so I could have a moment.

I had figured out the timeline disruption.

It had been both me and Steve Rogers that had caused a ripple effect that split the timeline into two - hence why I saw two different timelines.

In the one timeline where Bucky - having delt with killing Chase and was living in New Asgard happily with their daughter Sarah - Steve in 2011 hadn't met his future self and the timeline was intact - this was supposed to be the normal timeline of events.

But somehow Steve found out Chase died in the timeline and interfered somewhere else - that I hadn't been able to figure out. And for some reason this changed the look of Sarah and lead to Chase naming her daughter Natasha instead.

So him crossing over into the timeline and retrieving his great granddaughter then bringing her to the Eternals who helped heal her - then I for some reason the second timeline me brough Bucky to the time in between where Steve confronted him.

It was then that Bucky decided, due to guilt I imagine to surrender over to The Winter Soldier for good, The Winter Soldier took Chase back into the timeline. And they moved to New Asgard where they were living when I came across them.

I decided to erase the timeline where Chase dies, knowing that it would sacrifice Bucky to The Winter Soldier. It was a selfish and unreasonable move but I couldn't live in a timeline where I didn't have Chase.

There as an alarm and I flipped open my TemPad. There was an event that was deviating from the timeline - I had it set on tracking her specifically - fucking shit - it had taken days to steady her timeline.

"What the hell is she doing?"

Horrified I watched the TemPad unable to do anything as her timeline imploded, then she disappeared from it - not die...she was just, gone, I couldn't track her anymore.

My blood ran cold, that could only mean one thing...

--- Chase's Point of View ----

(Present Day)

I got up off of him and started quickly dressing while he was distracted, knowing that I would have to answer the door for our food. I put on black leggings, ankle boots and a heavy brown sweater.

It was then that I realized telling him I was willing to have his kid was a mute point because I was literally pregnant with his kid right now, this was stupid to keep it from him, I was tired of keeping secrets.

"Bucky...I have to tell you something."

"After saying that...what, I don't like you dressed...come back into my arm."

He was still stunned but he pouted when he talked about me getting dressing, I giggled.

"This baby...they got the date of conception wrong, this is our child."

I said it slowly and deliberately, he looked at me and his eyes narrowed.


The tone of his voice was so unsettling I took a few steps back, feeling my breathing quicken in fear.

There was a darkness and anger to his expression, what made it worse was I knew this was coming from Bucky and not the Winter Soldier.

He got out of the bed and put on his boxers, he advanced on me and I walked backward my back hitting the wall as he invaded my space.

"It's mine...his...ours?" He growled.

I nodded.

"Did you tell him before you told me?"


What happened next happened so fast that I couldn't react quick enough as my super soldier response failed me.

He punched the wall right next to my face, some wood splintered at the sheer force of the hit and cut my cheek. If I had moved he would have struck my face.

"You fucking whore..."

My mouth dropped open and I gasped, I searched his eyes, there was no love or caring there, only rage and hate.

"Bucky...what the hell?"

He grabbed my throat with his bionic hand and put a small amount of pressure there - my hand wrapped around his bionic one, I knew that he could crush my throat in one movement.

"Please don't hurt us..."

I begged, scared for both me and our daughter.

"Like I care about a child he fathered, seriously why did you have to get pregnant by him - he's fucking taken everything from me, why did you call him out in the first place I was fine before you Chase?"

Shit, I was right, he did think of this baby as the Winter Soldiers and not equally his, but this was way to fucked up of a reaction, something wasn't right, this wasn't right.

He was breaking my heart with every word.

His blue eyes blazed like there was a fire behind them, he let go of my throat and turned from me.

"Why do you fucking love him and not me?" He wasn't looking at me and his voice was somewhere between a suppressed scream and cry.

Something told me I was in actual real danger.

Quickly I moved to the side table opening it I grabbed the TemPad that I had stolen from Loki in 2016 from the drawer.

Opening it Bucky turned and glared at me - tears in his eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I instantly opened a door that was already programed into the TemPad, closing it behind me before he could grab me.


I collapsed on street, looking up I noticed that I had gone way back into time, I was covered in blood and getting up on my knees I put hand on my stomach.

As if it would comfort my unborn child, I was shivering and my cheek hurt.

"Where the hell am I?" I muttered as I pulled out the TemPad - this was the first time I had used it - was it really this easy? Looking at the screen I saw it was New York 1942...why did that time sound so familiar?

"Hey...are you alright're bleeding."

My blood ran cold at the voice, fucking way slowly I looked up at the person before me who was on one knee and placed his hand on my shoulder.

He was a little bit younger and it took me a second to confirm with my eyes that this was him. Bucky stood before me, clean shaven, wearing a World War II military outfit, hat and all.

'You have got to be KIDDING ME.' I had to suppress a laugh, this wasn't remotely funny.

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