What Happened Exactly?

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, drinking, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, and swearing.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Chases Point of View ----

I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy kissing him, the kiss was so different from Bucky and from The Winter Soldier - this was a very different Bucky...James, shit could I get use to calling him that?

'Maybe calling him James would help you disassociate from this fucked up situation.' My better mind pointed out.

"Ow..." I whimpered as he gently bit my lip. There was a mild lick of pain as he pulled back and there was a tiny bump on my lip as I licked it with my tongue.

He walked over to the other side and sat down, and started eating, I was hesitant.

He looked up at me his eyes narrowing, the look he gave me was patent and a little annoyed.

"You are in no danger, and with the babies do you think I would even dare spike your food?"

"You talk like you are going to take the babes as soon as they are born or something James."

I took a bite of my food, unsure of where this worry was coming from, this Bucky was unpredictable and I wasn't sure what to make of him.

"I intend to have all three of you."

I ate in silence with him, I was hungry and I knew that my main priority was to take care of myself and my children, that means getting rest, trying to have less stress, and eating well.

When the food gone I set down my fork he had finished a little before me and he took everything away and cleaned up, he took me from my home against my will so I wasn't going to offer to help.

I stood up and went into the living room, looking outside I saw the night sky had a purple hue - it was unnerving not being on earth...or in a normal timeline. I was starting to get home sick, mostly missing my timelines Bucky.

I curled up on the couch and did my best to calm down, he came into the room, handing me a bottle of water, I saw he had a beer for himself, he sat in the chair across the room.

I watched as he sat down, it was at this time that I noticed that he looked considerably younger than my Bucky - I would say over a decade or more younger. That was curious.

"Can I ask you something James?"

"Anything doll..."

"What happened after I left, what happened exactly?"

I was scared to ask the question - but what else could I lose at this point - and I was genuinely curious, he opened this drink and took a very deep and long swig before fixing me with a look.

"When you didn't say my name for the longest time - I waited longer than I should have - I opened my eyes and saw you were gone - I searched everywhere for you - I was frantic. In the end I had thought that I had imagined you - it wasn't until I went back into the city to see Steve, that he confirmed that you existed. I became obsessed with you Chase, made myself go off to war. I was captured easily, almost died after being forced to work for Hydra. When I was there, I saw that they had a file on you... I was so shocked to see it."

That caught my attention and I strained up a bit. Hydra had a file on me...back then?

"Someone in New York had seen a door open and you go though it - when I read about that...I knew that I had been right about you Chase, there was something very off about you."

Shit so it hadn't completely gone unnoticed in 1942, fuck, that isn't good.

"So I joined Hydra, let them freeze me from time to time, for decades, it wasn't until many years down the line that I realized you were from a different Timeline, and that you were Steve's fucking great granddaughter - and that you are pregnant with my twins."

"How are you so fucking sure they are yours?"

"Educated guess."

Yeah that pissed me off, hope started to swell in me that the children may actually be from my timelines Bucky - not that I would love them any less, but I really wanted to have THAT Bucky's children.

"What happened to Steve in your timeline?"

James looked up at me, his eyes told everything.

"You don't want to know, so don't ask."

"You killed him..." I whispered, more to myself, I looked up at him.

"You're a monster."

"I might be, but you want this monster...I can tell." He stood up and sauntered over to me, a moment that I had only seen when he was in full Winter Soldier mode.

I didn't move as he put his finger under my chin and tilted my head up to look at him, he smirked at me.

"You want this monster - you want me, or else your pupils wouldn't be that wide... let's go to the bedroom doll, I'll take care of you."

I knew I was fucked - and was about to literally be fucked, he had called me out on the most basic of my primal instincts, I stood up and went to the bedroom, James close behind me.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now