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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I continued to look around at my environment, worried and feeling very protective of my babies.

I was clearly alone, I didn't see, or sense anyone else, the only thing that had piqued my interest was the smell – the smell of James.

Again I felt like I was a fucking monster, if only I had pulled away when I met James back in 1940 – instead of leading him on, as much as I tried to see it as another way, it all came down to this being my own fault, deep down I was the once who caused this.

I realized that I felt safe when Loki was with me, I always felt safe with him, I wanted to ask him what was going on – but maybe you didn't want to know.

I smiled at my children, touching their soft baby cheeks – they both stirred at my touch but didn't wake up, but there as a smile on their faces, I mused for a moment on that they might be dreaming.

"Little one, I wish grandfather could meet you – he would have loved to know that you are around, and I'm sorry things are difficult between me and your father. I'm sure he will come around."

Closing my eyes I breathed in deeply, suddenly I smelled the perfume again, it was unsettling, standing up I gently moved up and got the stroller, gently I picked up my babies, Steve was the one that woke up and started to fuss a little – I rubbed his belly humming soothingly to him, he yawned and fell back asleep.

I slowly walked back to the city, I was tired and the idea of being a single mother was starting to scare me deeply. I wasn't sure if I could do this alone, I knew financially would be alright, grandfather Steve left me more than enough to survive with my kids, but it was the emotional impact of it.

I had to figure out how to make things right.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I sat on the side of the aircraft, we had parked it in the middle of the desert, I was drinking water and missing my kids and Chase.

"I have something for you." Sam said, I looked at him a little bit confused, he gave me what looked like a small bottlecap, it was a large button.

"Press it and hold it out in front of you."

I did as he bid, a holographic picture came out of it, it was of Chase and me, holding our children, I felt the tears start to come to my eyes and I held them back.

"Thank you Sam."

"You're welcome I know you miss them."

"I hated leaving her."

I left the unspoken part about us breaking up...I still couldn't really relate or think to hard about it we were broken up.

"Again, you did the right thing."

"Yeah but I feel like I had abandoned them."

"You really haven't, you are still close and I know you are going to be there for the twins – that is the most important thing ...but you have to face the reality that the two of you might just be to toxic for one another – and that you shouldn't be together."

"I don't think that is true, we just need time apart – we can work through this." I really hoped we could, because I love her more than anything and I didn't want to stay apart from her for very long.

--- James's Point of View ---

I was watching them all from a distance, I couldn't believe that this other timeline me would EVER break up with Chase, it seemed so selfish, he – I, whatever, got her into this trouble, impregnated her.

She looked so sad with her children, I had caused so much damage and with what was going on with the TVA, I couldn't make a move until things have somewhat resolved, but why Bucky was neglecting her – I would be her constant guardian. 

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