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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

My heart broke for Loki, I knew that he was less selfish than most made him out to be, and he is far from a monster.

I knew that when I did see him again, it would only be weeks, maybe days for me, but I had a sinking feeling it would be an alarmingly long time for him.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

{2 Day's Later}

I was injured and I was hesitant to walk into our home.

I let out a happy sigh as I thought about that, it really was 'our' home, I had something that I always wanted, something that I never thought I would have. A family.

I walked up the stars and opened the door, when I came in I found the soft sound of classical music playing.

Slowly I walked into the kitchen, I saw Chase, standing in the kitchen, wearing a nice light blue summer dress, hair pulled up in a bun, I focused on the curve of the back of her neck, fuck just looking at that turned me on, I doubt there was any part of her did that elicited that body response from me.

I loved this woman.

Looking closer at what she was doing I saw that she was making cookies, it smelled amazing, chocolate cookies from the looks of it.

She looked up and I saw her jump a little bit at seeing me, then her face changed and a wide smile spread across her face, she wiped her hands on a towel and came up and hugged me.

I hugged her back wincing a little bit as she put her hand on my arm. She noticed.

"What happened."

"It's nothing."

I saw her eyes narrow and she walked forward taking off my jacket, I let her letting out a whimper at my arm as it brushed against the bandage.

"Bucky, what happened?"

"I got shot, it's okay, it's healing quite well."

She looked up at me worried, she opened her mouth to say something put I put my hand against it.

"The way that you can help me is being under me."

I saw her eyes widen and she swallowed hard.

"Under, you?"

I gave her what I was sure was a very wide grin, she knew what I was talking about, wasn't sure why she was being so coy about it.

"You know what I want, it's been a stressful few days to say the least - and I want nothing more than to feel the softness of you..."

She looked over her shoulder at the cookies.

"Are you sure that you are not hungry."

I leaned down and smelled her, the darker side of me, the winter soldier came to the surface at smelling her, she smelled nice – very sweet, her skin looked soft and I knew that I needed her touch, and to be with her.

"I'm going to go check on the kids, please be in bed naked...if you are good maybe ill let you kiss my wounds better."

Her eyes went wide and she slowly walked to the bedroom. I looked over at the still cooling cookies, I grabbed one and made my way to the nursery, taking a bite I did my best not to moan, fuck they really tasted good.

After a mission is was like life was more vibrant, food tasted better, and I was sure that sex would be amazing right now, I wanted her in an alarming way at the moment. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now