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--- Bucky's point of View ---

{Present Day}

"Maybe it would be best if you leave her alone White Wolf." Shuri cautioned as I packed my bag.

"Yeah that's not going to happen."

"If things are as you suspect, do you really think Loki is going to let you near her and the baby?"

"There was something between us, I felt it." it had been eating away at me all month. I felt a connection with her, as both me and The Winter Solider.

"Be careful White Wolf..." She cautioned as I nodded at her and made my way out of the farmlands to catch a ride to the airport and then to Germany to where she is.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I sat at the table. Loki had made hamburgers for me, and I was reading some old medical documents from where my mom was pregnant with me – I was a baby from a super soldier, and she was part super soldier– our situations were identical.

I looked up at Loki and smiled this was one of the first times I have seen him dressed casual in human clothes. Jeans and a shirt with his hair pulled up in a manbun. He was staying with me a for a while until I felt settled.

I took a final bite, looking down at my plate, that was now empty.

"I just ate 3 of them..." I had gotten on some medication to help with my nausea but why was I eating so much, and I was still hungry.

Loki laughed. "You're going to be having to eat a lot of protein and more calories like your mom had to do with are going to be burning calories like crazy." He pointed at the paper.

Damnit, so I was now going to be hungry all the time during this pregnancy. In almost a microsecond something came over me that I could not quite explain. I felt observed.

"I still think you should tell him sooner rather than later..." Loki pressed distracting me; he didn't say his name but I knew he was talking about Bucky.

"It's not like he has to know, I am well taken care of, and the idea of single motherhood isn't that bad – I was thinking of raising my child in New Asgard away from everyone."  Loki let out a sigh.

"I understand your hesitation, but that's not fair to him..." He pressed. "Besides, the moment anyone looks at her eyes they will be able to tell who fathered her."

I looked up at him wide eyed my heart racing.

"Her? You have seen my...daughter?" I didn't even know the gender yet.

He looked embarrassed. "Yes, it's going to be a girl, and she is intelligent and beautiful like her mother, and wild and powerful like her father." He assured; I knew he couldn't tell me anymore more than that.

"Blue eyes huh?"

"Identical to Bucky's Chase." Everyone in my family had brown or green eyes – I myself had green eyes like Steve's – so yeah, blue eyes would be an indicator of who the father is.

"I'm going to go and rest...", this was getting to be to much and I didn't need any more stress.

"I'll have dinner ready later..."  I sighed and walked up the stairs to my room, before I got to the door I took a deep breath. I smelled a familiar after shave, a yummy smell.

His arms went around me quickly, his flesh and blood one around my waist, the metal one around my mouth. Yep, I was being observed after all.

"Shhh, Shhh please don't scream, It's me, you're safe." The whispering came from behind my right ear. I wanted to tell him that I knew it was him and I knew I was safe.

Instead without really thinking about it I spun in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck giving him a hug – he seemed shocked only for a second before wrapping both his arms around me – returning the hug.

"Bucky..." I breathed, raw emotion behind my voice. He nuzzled his head into my shoulder. For a moment everything seemed to stand still.

This was our first true act of affection with one another- as Bucky and Chase – a simple, pure hug.  

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now