Hands Tied

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Chapter Warning: Contains graphic sex, BDSM and possible trigger warning.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

He got off the bed and stepped back a few paces, his blue eyes never leaving mine – looking down at me as he slowly stripped off his clothes. Quickly, I took off mine, he was going slow however.

It was a fucking tease, he knew I liked what I saw – he was making desire pulse though my body.

"What do you want me to call you?"

I couldn't call him Bucky, he wasn't Bucky, I also had a feeling he was going to be around for a while.

"Simply call me Soldier."

In the light of the room, I could see his bionic arm – and the scars that were still there from the old one – it always hurt me knowing they hurt him like that.

At my leisure, my eyes ran across his chest – he was strong and powerful.

I am part super soldier myself, but The Winter Soldier is a pure super soldier.

There was a kind of wildness to him that wasn't in Bucky, raw and unhinged – more animal than man when it came to sex.

He advanced on me and on reflex I pulled away from him, getting closer he grabbed my hips and pulled me back down the bed, steadying me.

"Do you not want this?"

"No...I...I do... you're just intimidating."

He grabbed my thighs and spread them almost painfully wide, with his bionic arm he pressed me down against the bed.

When he felt that I wouldn't move he ran his bionic hand down the middle of my chest, running it across my slightly forming baby bump.

Then his hand dipped lower.

I cried out in shock when he plunged two fingers into me, the cold metal of his bionic fingers felt strange with how hot my body is.

He curled the fingers forward hitting a sweet spot in me.

"Do you like that?"


I nodded and he let out a deep baritone chuckle as he continued to play with me, I struggled against his touch.

"Hold still."

He removed the fingers from me and situating himself between my legs, on his stomach he leaned down and his lips met my core.

On pure reaction to the feeling I reached down and grabbed at his hair.

"Do I need to tie your hands being your back? Leave your hand at the side of you."

Frustrated you removed your hands from his hair and spread them out on the bed.

What happened next was involuntary.


The moment the named moaned left my lips I knew I had fucked up.

Stopping he instantly put himself on top of me, his bionic arm grabbing my neck, he didn't squeeze but only put a little pressure – a display of dominance – a way of letting me know he could do it if he wanted to.

"Try again, he's not here."

"I'm sorry."

"Who's making you feel good right now."


"And who am I?"

"You're my Winter Soldier."

In one fluid motion he laid down on his back and moved you so you were on top of his straddling his waist, you could feel his hard cock against your thigh.

He grabbed both your hands with one arm and guided his cock in you with the other.

"For that you are going to do all the work, and you better not fucking cum without me saying so."

You let out a sexually frustrated sob and while he was holding your hands steady in front of you, you started moving your hips.

--- Loki's Point of View ---

(7 Years in the future)

I looked up as The Winter Soldier walked up to me – I noticed then that his hair was long again, I held Sar...Natasha close.

"Is everything alright Loki?"

I took a deep breath; Russian was not my strongest language.

"Please don't react too much to this question, but where is Bucky?"

The Soldiers eyes went wide and his head even tilted back shocked by the question.

"You know he surrendered this body to me...do you not remember that, it's been me for years?"

I set her down, I had no idea what to say, I had to figure out what went wrong, how the timeline changed this drastically.

"Hey Loki, I wasn't expecting you, are you staying for dinner?"

Her voice startled me, coming out of the house was Chase, she looked a bit older and still beautiful, her hair was shorter and she had a smile on her face – she looked happy.

I almost dropped Sar...Natasha at seeing Chase.

"You're...you're alive?" I choked out, she gave me an odd look coming up beside The Winter Soldier she put her hand on his arm.

She gave me a worried and curious look. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now