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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase Point of View ---

The babies were on their backs on a map with a spinning mobile above them, they were gigging and holding their feet why they rocked, completely happy and content.

I had fallen on the way back, scratching up my arm and the side of my face – Shuri freaked out when I got back, my wounds were cleaned and bandages put on them, she said she would get rid of the scar when it was fully healed.

"Maybe I can do this." I muttered, rubbing their bellies, they were both such good eaters and sleepers.

Being alone like this, was really making me have to face some very serious things about myself – maybe it was for the best.

When I went back in time – meeting the young and pre-hydra bionic arm Bucky. I was such a monster – I should have left that timeline – I should have known better than to mess with the timeline – I can't even count how many times Loki told me not to.

And the way that Loki look, I have known him for years, he looked so tired, I wish he would simply tell me what is going on in the TVA.

I looked around shivering, then back at my children.

I have always felt alone, and in many ways, being a super solider, well part super soldier, and having to keep my existence a secret because of, again timeline.

"I kind of always been alone – I can do this this, without Bucky, I can be a mom and raise my children, I felt like I needed to leave Wakanda, but I wasn't sure how or when.

If things didn't work out between Bucky and I – I knew that I would have to leave this place, I didn't want my kids growing up behind a wall – I would take them to Guam – a place that I oddly feel is home.

--- James's Point of View ---

I rotated my arm, unlike Bucky in this timeline he can remove his arm, I hated that I couldn't remove it.

Watching her in the field I saw – well maybe it was the first time that I looked very closely – she had some of Steve's features.

Not saying that it was much of a resemblance – ew, but I could tell she was his grandchild, there was enough difference that it didn't bother me at all. She looked tired, I hoped that she got sleep tonight, from what I could tell our children were healthy and strong.

I was a simple silent guardian at the moment – it took everything in me to not go to here when she fell – but I restrained myself, watching from a distance, I was shocked that I wasn't noticed much in Wakanda, but I have spent years blending in.

I looked up and saw the craft that Bucky had been flying, he was home early.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I decided to come back as soon as they would let me, I needed to see her, with a happy sigh I walked into her room, I didn't knock – only realizing that considering we were broken up I should start doing that – treating her like we are not together.

The room was silent, I tip toed over and looked into the cribs, they were asleep, I turned my attention to Chase, who was curled up in bed, hearing her soft breathing calmed my racing heart down.

Walking over I saw there was something on her cheek, my heart started racing and I turned on the bedside light – she didn't wake up but I saw a cut – with butterfly bandages holding it shut.


Gently I moved the covers off of her, she was scraped up a little, but she looked fine otherwise.

"What had happened, why wasn't I called?" I had to fight the urge to lean down and kiss her on the lips, I got up deciding to find out what happened to her.

When I got to the door I looked behind me longingly at all three of them, with a heavy heart I made myself leave the room. 

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