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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I was walking around Wakanda with my kids, they were enjoying being outdoors and because of the climate inside the bubble it was a beautiful day.

I had packed a picknick for me and a few bottles for them, there was a large park at the edge, and I took the stroller down to a large tree.

Parking the stroller, I spread out a blanket and put it down on it. I looked at them, they had grown a lot – Shuri said that it would happen, they would developing a little bit faster due to being part super soldier – I had the same problem, it's why my mom and dad keep me close in the first five years of my life – people would have noticed my acerated growth and ask questions.

So in that regard I was more than happy to be in Wakanda at the moment.

They both were looking up at the tree and cooing happily, I realized that I wanted to make sure my kids were outside often like I was growing up – I almost had a backyard and sometimes wide-open spaces.

"They really are beautiful; you make such beautiful babies."

I gasped as I looked up to see Loki standing there, I was about to say something, but I stopped mid-sentence, he looked – different.

He was wearing a TVA jacket, he had told me a little bit about the TVA but I had never been there, and he looked older – not by much, but yeah, he was older.

"Loki, how are you...what on earth is happening?"

"Me? I'm okay."

He came over and sat down next to me – letting out a loud groan as he did as if his whole body was aching. Reaching down he picked up my son, Steve, leaning down he kissed his tiny nose, then set him down and did the same with my daughter.

"Loki... what on earth is going on? You are different...way different that you were before just a little while ago.."

He smiled at me.

"I know, many things have happened, and I can't tell you what – it's only been a few months for you but it has so long for me in many ways, I knew you would be here, alone and I just wanted a moment of calmness with you."

You nodded.

"You know Bucky and me are broken up right?"

He nodded. "You know I can't say much but things are going to work out...can I feed her?" He asked, that made my heart melt, I handed him a bottle and watched as he carefully started to feed my daughter, she grasped his hand with his tiny fingers.

"So much has happened Loki."

He looked up at me. "I know, but you are stronger than you have ever realized." He looked between the twins. "You can do anything."

You allowed a comfortable silence to start to build between the two of you, as you fed the twins, he was burping her and giving me a sad look before putting her down.

"Thank you, I have to go."

He stood up.

"Am I going to see you soon?"

"I hope so, take care of yourself."

I nodded.

"I mean it, this whole thing, with James and Bucky, the twins, it had taken a toll on you – you should do a lot of self-care."

"I will."

He pressed something on his wrist and a door opened, he walked through it, when it closed, I let out a sigh. I looked down and saw that the twins were asleep.

I laid down next to them, and I let my body relax, listening to them breath and sleep.

I took in a deep breath, again being a super soldier, I had heightened senses, I smelled something familiar, it was James -his cologne. I sat up and looked around frantically, it was a wide-open field and there was no one.

"What the hell?" 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now