Blue and Green Eyes

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Chapter Warning: Possible Trigger Warning for sexual and upsetting content.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

(Present Day)

"So let me get this straight, you or more the Winter Soldier side of you got Steve's great granddaughter pregnant, and now you think she time traveled or something and she has currently asked for I getting that right?" Sam deadpanned on the visual monitor.

I was on the airship heading back to the United States, after thinking about it for a while I realized we both need space.

"Yeah that about covers it."

"Buck honestly I'm going to kick your ass on Steve's behalf when you get home you realize that right?"

I leaned back in the chair and looked at the wide open ocean. I ran a frustrated hand across my face and let out a sigh of contempt – yeah I deserved that – I would even let Sam kick my ass when I got home – not fight back at all.

"Yeah I know, and I agree that I deserve it."

"Do you know where she is?"


"So you just left her alone? Pregnant?"

"Trust me I didn't want to, but she demanded I leave, she has Loki and connections to Wakanda, but trust me she is more than capable and can take care of herself."

"Are you in love with her Bucky?"

"Yes, more than I should be, more than I think might be good for her, or our unborn baby."

I looked up and saw Sam giving me a pointed look.

"I don't think that you are no good for her per say Bucky, but your relationship can easily become toxic... why on earth would you hurt her?"

"I...didn't mean to, I just lost control of myself, I'm jealous because she likes the darker side of me – a side of me that I hate - hence why I am going away from her."

"Shit, just get home Buck, we will regroup and talk about this, maybe we should bring her back to."

"No, she needs time."

"Then we will wait until she comes to us."

He disappeared from the screen before I could ask what he meant by that.

With the craft autopilot, I got up and laid down on the cot in the corner trying to get some sleep - and I did my best not to worry about her, I knew that she was more than capable of taking care of herself but I wanted to keep her and our child near me.

It made my stomach hurt.

---- Chase's Point of View ---

(Present Day)

There was one place on this earth that is untouched by HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D, that place was Easter Island. And that is where I decided to go, last place they would look for me.

I had rented a small house – it wasn't grand it was very humble, one bedroom, bathroom and kitchen - and I loved it, and the weather was tropical and the food wonderful.

I needed to take it easy – stress was bad for myself and the baby as well.

I was more than a little heart broken having to leave Bucky in 1942 – he was so handsome and innocent – I loved that about him, and I missed the modern Bucky and his darker counterpart. I felt like I was being emotionally torn apart from the inside.

I laid down on the bed and put a hand on my stomach – morning sickness wasn't bad today.

I was so confused as to why my stomach was bigger all of a sudden. Was I farther along than I thought? I got up and got on my cell phone. Maybe I should see a local doctor and just get checked out a bit more in depth.

---- Loki's Point of View ---

(7 years In The Future)

I saw a little boy, his hair cut short as he pranced around Sarah with some markers, singing something in Russian.

"Stop it's Steve – I hate that song."

"You're no fun Sarah."

With a pout he plopped down next to her and seemed to start coloring on a paper next to hers.

The little boy looked like a child version of Bucky – almost identical facial features.

He tilted his head like he felt something and he looked up at me suddenly, his hair was dark brown like Bucky's but his eyes I noticed were two different colors, one green and one blue.

"Uncle Loki?" He questioned standing up. Sarah looked up, her hair dark but I noticed that she had one blue eye and one green eye as well, I think the condition is called Heterochromina iridum.

I should have left right then but I was shocked to see the boy named Steve run towards me, he jumped in my arms in force – trusting that I would catch him, I did and I hugged him.

"Uh hi." I greeted, Sarah walked up and smiling he hugged my waist.

I set him down next to her and looking at them closely.

The realization hit me slowly – they were twins. How the hell did this happen?

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