Conflicted Heart

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Chapter Warning: Possible Trigger Warning and swearing.

--- Chase's Point of View ---


I watched as Loki waved his hand and time stopped, that charge in the air that always followed made me upset to my stomach.

With an eyebrow raised he walked over to Bucky and closely looked at him, his eyes very thoughtful as he scanned his entire face.

"Curious, he's doesn't seem as threatening when he's fully human..."

"Leave him alone Loki..."

I growled at him in a way that I had never before, I saw that this shocked him but he did his best not to react to it. I had no idea why I was that protected of this Bucky that I would get upset with the one person who had always had my back.

"You need to answer the question I asked Chase, what made you do something as dangerous as using the TemPad - I know it wasn't done carelessly - you are smarter than that, so what happened?"

I looked away from him, but I knew that he wanted a real and honest answer and that he would stop time forever to get it, so I might as well be honest about it.

"When I told Bucky about my baby, and how it was conceived with the Winter Soldier, he lost in temper at me... he frightened me more than he ever had, even when he stabbed and shot me - there was so much hate in his eyes..."

Walking forward he put his hand under my chin and moved my head to the side, looking at the cut on my cheek.

"He injured you?" There was a disbelief in his voice that told me he knew deep down that it wasn't done intentionally.

"Not directly no, that's why I ran, I was scared that he might hurt me..."

Loki gave me a 'are-you-fucking-kidding-me-right-now' look.

"Do you really thing Bucky would have hurt you intentionally..."

I looked away from him, I couldn't answer him, it hurt to much.

"We should go."

"Loki I don't want to go..."

He tilted his head, the perplexed look on his face startled even me. Then he let out a very exaggerated sigh.

"I was worried about that, why not? I know you love the Bucky in the future, and arguably you and him have more of a history than you and, this Bucky, and I know you even loved the Winter Soldier part of him."

I got off of the bed and stood before Bucky, looking at him, reaching out you touched his cheek, gently, eerie how he wasn't able to move.

"He's so beautiful Loki, inside and out... do you even know how fast he protected me when he saw that I was vulnerable? Loki... after touching him, making love to him and spending time with him...I can't let what happened to him happen. I can't let him be destroyed, used and abused, tortured like he was by Hydra..."

I felt the tears come; Loki gave me a sad look as I cried.

"I know it hurts, alright Chase, I won't be the one to do this, but someone might come and force the situation, and you being a time anomaly you will remember this happening - I am so sorry..."

I was internally panicking at the idea of having someone come after us like that, but was also relieved that it wouldn't be Loki who did it - I might not be able to forgive him if he did.

He nodded towards the bed.

"Lay down and act like you were asleep and he simply had a waking dream or something..."

You did as Loki said and he walked closer to the bed.

"I know the logic behind why you are making this choice, to fight for him - but you should also think about the fact that you love both the man and the monster that Bucky becomes because of what happened to him in the original timeline."

"You don't think I haven't already thought about that?"

"No Chase, I don't think you have. There is always going to be a part of you that want's the future Bucky, both emotionally and physically."

I blushed at the comment. Laying down I saw him disappear.

Bucky could move again and he was looking around wildly, I sat up and pretend to rub my eyes.

"What's wrong?"

His blue yes scanned the room, then with a shuttered sigh he looked at me.

"Nothing, I think I just had a nightmare..."

His eyes looked me up and down as I laid back down, desire ignited behind them, and that look a man gives you when he wants fuck you came over his face.

Shyly he put his hand on my shoulder, leaning down he kissed me on the mouth, I moved over onto my back and he laid on top of me, shifting his body half on top of me and being mindful of my pregnant belly.

Before I kissed him the words that Loki had just said radiated thought my body, yes, this Bucky was different from future Bucky - and a part of me wanted my Bucky back, that powerful and broken man I had genuinely loved since I was 16 years old and met him in person for the first time.

His lips met mine and my conflicted heart shattered... fuck.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now