New Asgard

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Chapter Warning: Contains sex and possible trigger warning for emotional situations.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Present Day}

Bucky let out a moan beside me and he started to stir, something only I could sense told me that this was Bucky and not The Winter Soldier, at least I hope I was right about this.

I held up my hand to stop Shuri from shooting him, she gave me a curt nod.

Reaching up I cupped Bucky's cheeks as his tired blue eyes focused on mine.


"Chase... oh god, what did I do?" He started to ask raising myself up on his arms as he looked down at me, then his eyes got wide and he REALLY looked at me.

"...Shit, did I, did he hurt you..." He quickly ran his metal hand over me slowly, more exploring than sexual.

I watched as he made sure there was no injury on me then there was a little blush on his cheeks as he took another throw blanket at the end of the bed and covered me.

For a moment I was shocked and perplexed at his sudden shyness - he had just cum in me hours earlier and now he was shy about seeing me naked. In the same train of thought I remembered that he was born in 1917 - they were a bit more hyper aware of modesty back then.

'Back then I might be classified as a 'loose women'.' My brain mocked - I had an odd and inappropriate impulse to giggle but I stopped myself, I looked back and the door and she was gone... wondering for longer than an second if had I imagined her?

"Did he...did...I...was this forced?" I looked back at him a bit shocked and puzzled at the question then grasping his meaning.

"No I gave consent...he didn't hurt me...I wanted it." All of which was true. He let out a sigh and sat up rubbing the back of his head with his metal arm. I couldn't help but look at him admiring how strong and somewhat broken his body was - if that made any sense.

He was sexy and almost alarmingly male, his face turned me and he gave me a shy look again.

"Where did those scars come from..." he asked sadly, not looking at me.

"What scars?"

"The one on your leg and the other on your side...who gave them to you..." pain pulsed though my heart as I did my best not to remember what happened then.

"He did..." I confessed, he took in a shaky gulp of air at hearing that.

"I remember doing that to you..." He whimpered, his blue eyes turned to look up at me and there was suddenly anger behind them - I pulled the sheets up to cover myself more and moved slightly away from him - he didn't seem to notice.

"Why did you do that to did you do that to me?" He growled, his voice somewhere between pain and anger - mostly anger, a scary kind of anger.

"I'm sorry Bucky... I didn't know it would work..." It was the truth, I hadn't know it would. "I just wanted to scare you is all...make you go away."

"That's not a good excuse Chase, you know how much I suffer when that happens..." Wordlessly he got up and I advertised my eyes to give him privacy.

"Fuck if you want me away from you so won't have to see me again Chase." he threw at me over his shoulder, I didn't make a sound but tears started falling down my cheeks at his words and I started shivering.

He looked at me, he made the slightest move towards me, then he shook his head with a sigh he left the room, when he was out of earshot I pulled out my cell phone when it beeped and saw a message from Shuri.


Sorry I left quickly, I wanted to give you and him some privacy, I'll grab him on the way out and help him. You shouldn't meddle with The White Wolf, he's dangerous.

Yeah I fucking knew he was dangerous - so was I. I jumped when I heard the front door of the house slam practically shaking the whole damn house.

In frustration I threw the phone down on the bed and laid down on my back, this is what I wanted right? I wanted him to leave me alone. I sighed rolling over onto my stomach sadly.

At least Loki would be happy that I got rid of him - I was still so confused as to why Loki was so against our meeting and me letting him into my life.

At the idea of never seeing him or The Winter Soldier again I sobbed aloud, now that I was alone I allowed myself to suffer and cry at how frustrating my relationship with both Bucky and Loki was, and wondering if I will ever see Bucky Barnes again - or even if I should. I buried my head in my pillow to muffle the cries even though no one could hear.

Fuck! I wanted him with me.

--- Loki's Point of View ---

{7 Years in the Future}

I arrived at a small cottage in Tonsberg, Norway - or as they call it New Asgard on Earth. I came here often the past few weeks, even though I knew that I shouldn't. I wanted to see my favorite person after all. So I broke the natural laws of time to do so.

"Uncle Loki!" A little girl, with long curly brown hair and piercing blue eyes came running out of the house and down the porch - I opened my arms picking her up in a huge bear hug. She was wearing a child's Valkyrie outfit - and it fit her fierce personality perfectly.

I set her down on her feet looking at her, she looked identical to her mother, except her eyes, the blue eyes and her intense stare were unmistakably from her father.

Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading this. So what is everyone's favorite Sebastian Stan movie aside from the MCU? I have an odd one, I love him in the 2014 miniseries based on a book called Labyrinth, anyone else beside me seen that?

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