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Chapter Warning: Sexual Content

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

My heart melted as I held her in my arms, it was not the reaction I was expecting, but it made me happy all the same.

"I'm so sorry Bucky..." I could hear the sadness and regret in her voice, it made my heart ache.

"Shh, it's okay, we are okay..." I ran my hand up and down her back in a comforting manner.

"I didn't want you to leave, I didn't I was drunk and frustrated." I felt her wrap her arms tighter around me. My heart soared at hearing these words and having her show affection like that.

"I'm sorry I left you like I did – after I used you in such a manner, but you had to of known that I would come back."

"I didn't think you would Bucky, truly, I was scared I would never seen you again."

With a low growl I turned her in my arms, her back pressed up against my chest.

"Eventually - no matter what I would have come crawling back here...I'm mad at you about something however - you should have told The Winter Soldier about this before you allowed him to take you as rough as he did – he would have listened to you I'm sure..."

She gasped and slightly moved when I placed my mental hand on her lower stomach right where the baby was growing.

"How in the hell did you find out about it?"

"Shuri found the doctors files a few days ago, she was hurt that you didn't tell her as well... is...fuck is Loki the father of this child?"

I hadn't wanted to ask her that right away – and with as little tact as I just did, and certainly not when I was holding her in my arms like this, but it just came out.

I felt her took a sharp intake of breath then she didn't answer for the longest time.

"No, the child isn't his...our relationship has never been like that Buck."

Instantly I felt relief that it wasn't his and to hear her clarify there wasn't romance between them - I had some serious jealousy issues that I had no fucking right having about him and her, however that begged another question.

"Is the father in the picture?"

"No, I'm alone in this Buck..." There was a bitterness to her voice that seemed misplaced, but I didn't press it too much. Slowly I turned her back around to face me – my arms still around her as I looked down at her green eyes, taking a deep breath.

"I didn't ask the last time, call me old fashioned because well, I am - that wasn't very polite of me... so I'm asking this time, may I kiss you?"

She laughed a little then tilted her head and looked surprised, I saw her bite her lip and look away, thinking.


The word stung, and I couldn't help but frown at her.

"You don't have to tell me, but can I ask why?"

"Because if I do...I'll lose what's left of my self-control. I love you Bucky, and you could have immense power over me if I let you..."

Now it was my turned to gasp.

" love me, seriously?"

"Yes Bucky, I have had feeling for you from the moment I met you in the clearing when I was 16. I'm scared of what's going to happen if I kiss you, I don't want to give you that power over me."

I nodded, I understood what she was saying.

"I care deeply for you Chase..." It was a half confession; I wasn't sure if I was ready to tell her that I love her – even though I was getting there – fast – if I wasn't there already.

"I'm tired Bucky, I need to get a nap in... you can go talk to Loki, I'm sure he knows you are here already, you are welcome in my home as long as you like."

"Do you want me to nap with you?"

She pulled out of my arms and went to her bedroom door, turned, and looked at me.

"If you get close to me, I'm going to fuck you like the Winter Soldier did me, and I need real sleep."

She turned and went into her room, shutting the door. I walked down the hall and back into the kitchen.

"We have some burgers already cooked if you are hungry." Loki greeted before I walked into the room.

"No thank you, and you don't need to stay here, I'm here now for her." Truthfully I didn't want him anywhere near her.

Loki shook his head and fixed me with a direct and expressionless stare.

"I'm known her a long time Bucky – longer than you have, and why I don't doubt that you would protect her, just know that I would put you on another fucking planet without a livable atmosphere before I allowed you to hurt her James."

I narrowed my eyes, I didn't like people using my first name.

"I wont hurt her."

"Yes you will...regardless of how much you love her you will hurt her."

"I won't every hurt her, and who said I love her?" It wasn't that I didn't I just was annoyed that he was so sure, Loki raised an eyebrow at me.

"Do you not love her?"

I didn't answer but simply glared at him.

His tone of voice was so matter of fact that it threw me, another thing - why was he so sure that I would be harming her? He set three burgers down in front of me.

"You haven't eaten in days, I have to go for a while, watch over her, she's in a delicate condition and you should keep yourself healthy to help keep her safe."

It sounded like he was mocking me as he turned, and I saw him blip out of existence.

I moved my metal arm in frustration, my shoulder muscles tense from being in the same room as Loki.

Knowing Chase was safe and sleep upstairs and I felt more at ease now that we were near one another, I took a bite of one of the burgers, Loki the asshole was right, I had all but starved myself the past few days. I would finish my food then go up and if she was asleep I would sleep next to her.

Regardless of who the father is, my priority is to look after Chase and her child. 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now