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--- Bucky's Point of View ---

{Present Day}

Like I had done so many times before, I decided to lay down on my apartment floor with the TV on to sleep - I had seriously thought that I outgrew this one thing, however I was unsettled because it would take until tomorrow to get the video footage of the girl.

I was watching the TV and didn't even realize when I fell asleep on my back on the cold wood floor.

"Zhelaniye...rzhavyy..." I reached out and grabbed her throat, I didn't want to hurt her but I was scared and confused by her. I couldn't put that much pressure on her windpipe.

"Please don' do you know the words, I'm sorry just please...stop." I begged, it hurt so much, that I had to drop to my knees after letting her go, I felt my entire body shake as I fought what was programed in me.

"Semnadtsat...Rassvet...Pech....Devyat...dobroserdechnyy...vozrashcheniye na radinu...odin...gruzovoy vagon..." I stood to attention, comply under her control now.

"Soldier?" The girl asked in perfect Russian, I could see tears in her eyes as she asked this. I could feel nothing but blind obedience.

"Gotov podchinit'sya..." I replied back... I was ready to comply... I heard the girl let out a little sobbing gasp, it looked like it hurt her to do this to me.

I felt her reach up and cup my cheek in her hand, my body fought the desire to lean into her touch, her hands were so soft against my skin. I craved touch like this.

"I'm sorry..." She cried gently, I felt her soft warm lips kiss my cheek and temple. "Go back to Steve..." My body obeyed, and I looked at her, worried that she was still injured, but like a good Winter Soldier I obeyed her and turned and left.

I woke up drenched in a cold sweat and breathing harder than I ever had in a long time...

Closing my eyes I shook my head...what a insane dream... it wasn't a dream... my eyes flew open and I stood up on my feet - I suddenly felt dizzy and leaned back against the wall gasping, feeling phantom pain in my missing arm

It took me a long second of thinking it over but I now recognized the girl from my memory, it was the same girl that I ran into at the coffee shop - it was the same girl I went after in 2016 - she was younger back then but I recognized her clearly, it was the perfume she was wearing as well ... I remember it all.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

{Present Day }

I got into work and sat down at my private office, I worked as an ER nurse at the local Hospital. I was still shaken up from him running into me yesterday, I hadn't touched him sense that day in 2016, when Loki dropped me off at home back in 2016 I had confessed everything, being injured I couldn't come up with a good enough lie.

My parents and great grandfather Steve didn't get verbally upset with me, however I saw how hurt he was knowing I activated Bucky like that, the only thing I didn't tell them about was me touching him and kissing him, that was something I wanted to keep private.

In response to what I had done I was relocated two days later to Guam...yes, fucking Guam - where I have stayed the past 8 years. So they didn't lock me in an underground bunker but they did trap me on an island.

I understood why they did it - it was somewhere we wouldn't be found, and in their eyes I couldn't be trusted.

It was a tense few years, in 2018 my family was on edge about The Blip, even though we knew it was going to happen beforehand they were scared I would be one that disappeared. In the end I was alright and spared and no one I knew on the island disappeared.

However, I knew that Bucky had been one to disappear, and for five years I was heartbroken from a distance - just knowing he wasn't around - grandfather Steve also said that the other him missed Bucky terribly.

I had no idea why I was so fixated on Bucky even after all that time - I never told my family that I was infatuated with him, something must have short circuited my brain when I kissed him and activated him back in 2016.

I was happy when I knew in my heart that he was brought back five years later. After that, when the timeline that we knew ended with Steve giving Sam the shield I was finally allowed to leave the island for good.

However I was cautioned that I should never tell Hydra, S.H.E.L.I.D, The Avengers, or anyone who I was. But the first thing that I wanted to see when I got back to the states was Bucky - and only after getting settled into my job and tiny home.

I had seen him around a few places in the area so far - I moved to the area where he lived, I noticed that his hair was short now and he looked a little bit older than the first time I saw him, he was still handsome, even more so now that I was older and could appreciate him as a man more clearly.

I wasn't sure if I should stay near him like this, or if it would backfire on me.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now