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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

I drove my little family out to a private place at the edge of Wakanda that I always enjoyed going to, it was right at the edge of the barrier.

When I stopped, I got off of the craft and walked over, helping Chase step down.

"This place is beautiful." She looked around at the small pond, the grassland and the tree line off to the left."

"I used to come here and think things over."

"We need to walk the rest of the way, I have a surprise for you."

I reached in and grabbed the car seats, and she grabbed the picnic basket, I heard my son giggle, and I looked down at him smiling.

I led her to a small path in the woods, it was overgrown at the top but clear down the path. She followed behind quietly until we came upon what I had led her to.

"Woah...what is this place."

"This was meant to be my home...after everything I knew I might never be able to fit into general society, so I came up with a back up plan, worked it out with T'Challa, this place is mine."

I smiled at the house, it was small three story house, a basement, middle level and top floor, so it looked smaller than it was.

"It's beautiful but..." She looked back at the pathway. "So far from the city."

"I wanted it that way, I tend to be more of a loner, and like my privacy... come on in."

I walked forward and put my hand on a panel at the doors side, it opened up to me.

We walked into a mostly empty house, I set our kids down, looking at them noticing that both has fallen asleep, it must have been the movements of walking that rocked them to sleep.

"This place is so nice..."

"It's updated with all the Wakanda tech, honestly, I think T'Challa went kind of overboard with everything. We can furnish this place...I'll leave that to you; I have a feeling you have a better sense of it than I do."

She turned and looked at me wide eyed, I could tell that she was at a loss for words.

"I want us to move out of the city, and become a proper family, I always wanted a house for my family..."

"Bucky...I...this is so beautiful."

I walked over to her.

"I want a fresh start, and this can be our fresh start, just you and me in this home, raising our kids." She leaned her head against my chest, and I cupped the back of her head and held her close.

"I want that Bucky...you have no idea how much I want that." I pulled back and cupped her cheeks – smiling at her before leaning down and kissed her deeply, she was breathless as I was when she pulled away form the kiss.

"I want to wake up in the morning with you next to me, make love at night and eat dinner with you, come home from work and play with our children..."

I looked over at our sleeping little ones.

"Come on, I'll give you a tour...they are safe in this house. I reached out my hand and lead her upstairs, I wanted to show her the rooms for the kids, and our master bedroom, I knew that I could have this place furnished and ready to go in a few days or so.  

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now