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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Bucky's Point of View ---

"That took some nerve." Sam muttered, I looked over at him, I was doing everything that I could not to vomit, that had been the hardest thing I had ever done.

"I miss her already, even though I know I am going to see her and our kids often – I miss her."

"I'm sure you do." He came over and put his arms around my shoulders, hugging me against him, I leaned into it, honestly as fucked up as it sounds, given who Chase is – the person I wanted to talk to the most was Steve, leaving her -stepping away like this I felt like I was losing a piece of Steve as well.

My feelings were so conflicted, they hadn't been this conflicted sense I was coming up from the depth of being The Winder Soldier.

"You did what was right, you both need space from one another, no pressure to be together. You two really do need to work on yourselves."

"Yeah but I felt like my heart is being torn out of my fucking chest. I'm fucking scared, so scared that we are never going to get back together."

He gently cleared his throat. "You have to be prepared for that to be a possibility, a very real one. But I hope the two of you will find one another naturally again. Besides, we have a mission, it will take you away from here for a few days."

That caught my interest, he smiled and nodded at me, then he led me out of the room.

{The Next Day}

I knocked on her door, I was already suited up and ready to go. She opened the door, she looked at me warily, I could tell whether she had been crying or not, she looked me up and down, seemingly taking in my outfit – her eyebrows raised in a bit of surprise.

"Are you going on mission? So soon."

I nodded "Yes – they need me – I'll be gone for a few days, can I say goodbye to our twins? Please."

She nodded slowly, stepping back she opened the door wide and stepped to the side, indicating with her hand that I could come in.

I smiled at her then walked over to the crib, I picked up my daughter, cradling her against me, kissing her nose and forehead – I set her down and did the same with my son. When I put them down I looked at them – they were clean and dressed, she really was a good mom.

"Dad will be home soon; I love you both."

I turned and walked out of the room, I didn't stop nor did I look at her, because if I did I knew that did I would give in and kiss and hold her like I wanted.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I watched him leave the room, unnaturally fast, the pace that only an super soldier could do, when he left I walked to the door and shut it. Leaning my back against it I put my head in my hands, I had cried all my tears out.

The idea of him leaving – It was painful, I wanted to run after him, but he had fucking rejected me and the pain was running deep.

I thought it might just be easier if I start to accept the reality of being a single mother.

I wanted to take my twins out for a walk. I grabbed a data pad and called Shuri, she answered quickly, giving me a smile.

"Do you have access to a double stroller?"

She smiled. "Yes"

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now