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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"It's been so hard staying away from you. Do you know how hard it has been to stop myself from coming to your room, banging on the door begging you to take me back."

"You don't have to say away, I want you, I want us."

"We are bad for one another." He kissed my neck, them moved over and laid down on is side, he still kept his body close, but I could tell that he was trying to cool things off.

Hard to do because to be together was like poring kerosene on a fire.

"I hate that this is us right now, I should have left you alone." I muttered dejected at how his all had gone down.

He grabbed the back of my hair and made me look at him, placing a angry kiss on my lips, he pressed his forehead against mine and took a few deep breaths, seemly to steady

his temper.

"You know that I remember every single second of that day - back in 2016, when you were on the launch pad, when Steve stopped me from flying away, the day I first laid eyes on you – I should have known that it was you, your eyes were Steves.:

I let out a gasp at that, he was lost as the winter soldier headspace – I had thought that he really forgot all about that.

"You and I have been on this collision course for a long time, why did you seek me out then?"

This one threw you for a curve, because you never imagined that you would be confronted about that stupid decision I made so long ago.

"I, honestly I was looking for my grandfather, not you – it wasn't my best move."

"No kidding, you could have been killed, so, I wasn't your target."

"No you were not, honestly I wanted to see you but I also wanted to see my grandfather, I wanted to see him in action – but then you unexpectedly came after me, the moment I looked into you blue eyes I new that we would be a part on one another's life."

"I never saw you until years later."

"Well my parents and Steve moved me to Guam after that."


"Yeah, they wanted me away from the avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D and hydra – because as my mother said, no one checks up on Guam."

He let out a laugh.

The sound was so shocking that it made me back up a little bit from him, I loved his laugh, he didn't do it that much.

"They really punished you for what happened with us by taking you away."

"I didn't tell anyone about what happened when I was 18, when The Winter Solder took me by the fire – yeah I kept that to myself, but they knew that I had put myself in danger like that, and they wanted me to have a normal childing, however normal it could be."

"You didn't go in the blip did you."

"No...but it hurt knowing you were." I gently confessed.

"You knew that I would be back."

"I know, it was just, I don't know, it hurt knowing I was in a world without you."

He gently moved his body to where he was on his back, I could tell by the way that he stroked my hip that he wanted me to straddle him.

I did so, rubbing my hand up and down his chest.

"I miss you." I started to cry, he reached up his hand and cupped my cheek with his bionic hand, I whimpered and turned into his touch, the coldness was a delicious feeling against the heat of my body.

"I know, I missed you too." 

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now