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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

---Chase Point of View ---

I found myself shivering, for reasons that I had couldn't understand I was a bit anxious and worried about being alone with him, it has been mostly him and our babies, our children being a buffer.

It's just being us was a but unsettling, we hadn't had time with just 'us' and I think that maybe that was the point of this, to have sometimes just the two of us.

When we got to the hover craft he helped me on and then he got in front of me.

"You'll want to hold on doll." He laughed, the moment it started you realized that yes you were a bit above the ground, and you were having trouble balancing.

Letting out a little bit of a shocked yelp and wrapped my arms around his waist, he let out a very unguarded and natural laugh – I felt my entire core shiver at that sound.

I had a feeling that he hadn't laughed like that in a long time, in truth you hadn't either, and you laughed as well.

"Hang on...I got you Doll, once we start moving it will be easier to steady yourself."

He started it and before I knew it he was driving us out of Wakanda, looking back my heart ached, I hadn't been apart from my children sense birth – I knew it was good to have space and time to myself but it was hard.

We were in the country going at an easy pace, I had been this far out but I realized that it was calmer and quiet out here – I felt myself start relaxing.

"There are fine doll, trust me Shuri and many others want to dote on them, let them enjoy the attention."

I don't know why I was shocked that he knew what I was filling, I nuzzled my head into his back, we drove for a while, he slowed down and when he stopped he moved quickly, reaching back he helped me down to the ground.

I looked up seeing a small hut and a body of water.

"White wolf..." Kids came running down the pathway, he kneeled and opened his arms and hugged the kids, I smiled at him as he talked to them.

"It's wonderful to see you again, this is my wife..."

I let out a shocked gasp at him using that term with me, I looked at him with a shocked expression, he gave me a 'they are kids just go with it' look.

The came over and started asking questions, I did my best to answer them.

"Hey, we are exhausted, so we are going to turn in..."

"Are you staying for a while White Wolf?"

"Yes, in Wakanda, and I will keep on visiting..." The kids laughed in joy, and I watched as they ran down the trail, I could see their farmhouses in the distance, he was wonderful with kids.

He gave me a wide smile; he reached out and took my hand with one and used his bionic one to grab the picknick basket.

"Let's eat by the water."

We walked by the hut.

"So, this is your hut?" I gently teased.

He gave me a smile.



We walked down to the river bank, he cleared his throat and I looked over at him.

"You shouldn't tease, I'm going to fuck you in that hunt."

I blushed hard at this deep baritone tone of voice – so deep and sexy, I realized that I wouldn't mind that, actually – I wanted to be close to him. Touch him more and get intimate with him again.

"After we eat."


I felt myself relax around him, something that I really hadn't felt for a while started to creep up – I felt safe.  

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now