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The song above is one I listen to wring the Winter Soldier Parts

My new story is posted.

Chapter Warning: Contains Possible Trigger Warning, Violence and Sexual Content.

--- Chase's Pont of View ---

(Present Day)

"I have a feeling I need to ask directly for permission..."

He asked this as he leaned his head down and kissed my stomach, then moved over and started kissing my was an erotic and sensitive spot on my body that I had no idea was there.

I turned a shocked look at him, he had spoken English – but he had a fucking slight Russian accent. It was honestly unsettling to say the least.

And in truth I had no idea how to respond to that question, and again why the fuck was he speaking in English all of a sudden?

"You can do whatever you wish."

I spoke in Russian, and even I was shocked at how uncertain my voice sounded.

"That's not permission."

"I said yes..."

"I have always asked for permission from you, I'm not the monster you think I am."

He responded in Russian, I was happy because that accent was unsettling. I was still hurting from him threatening me with not being able to touch Bucky.

"You stabbed and shot me."

"That was before I developed feelings for you... and I wasn't in control of myself, and that was before this..."

He gently put his flesh and blood hand gently against my lower stomach, he moved his hand up and cupped my left breast, painfully playing with my nipple.

"Actually no I don't give permission..."

I couldn't help it when I burst into tears, and that was very uncharacteristic of me.

He pulled me up to a sitting position, maneuvering us so I was sitting in his lap.

"Fuck, do you love him that much?"

"You know I do."

He looked down and his hand ran up my thigh and right up my side resting on my side.

"Do you regret this baby?"

There was an odd and scary sadness to his voice, I didn't associate this kind of vulnerability with the Winter Soldier


I made my tone soft in a play to reassure him, he looked up at me with an unreadable expression.

"Let me ask again – I don't think that I was clear with it, do you regret that it was made with me in control and not him?"

I took in a deep gasp of breath, but did my best to kind it, I had a suspicious that this was a very loaded question and I knew I should answer honestly.

"I don't regret it, but I wouldn't mind having one from him."

It was an honest answer.

"If you had to pick between us, what one would you pick?"

I gasped internally, what was with all theses probing questions that were making me think to much?

"That's not a fair question."

"What you are doing to him and I isn't fair – pulling me back out isn't fair. I want you to be mine but I know if I take him over you will resent me and I don't want that. So ease your mind, I wont take him from you."

"Thank you...I am scared of having this baby, but I by no means regret it. I love you both, and this baby is both of yours in a way."

Shocking myself I reached out and turned his face to look at me, leaning down and kissing him gently, I could tell he was fighting taking control – it seems being gentile was hard for him.

"He deserved to know that it's mine..."

I looked up into his dark blue eyes and there was a hollowness in them again.

What happened next I couldn't even stop.

A memory came, something that had long since passed.

"You again, why are you interfering – didn't I cut you before?" The winter soldier barked in anger, his voice was deeper and it scared you.

"Bucky please..." I knew it was useless.

"Seriously, who the hell is Bucky?"

I remember the pain as he threw me on the ground like I meant nothing - and the moment I turned I saw his blue yes, empty as he fired the gun and it hit my leg... in this moment he was the monster.

I screamed, and jumped off him, he tried to grab me.


"Stay away from me!"

Stumbling backward I felt myself fall off the bed, feeling sharp pain on the back of my head and an audible thud.

The last thing I saw was fear in his blue eyes as darkness overcame me like a wave.

Ready to Comply ♡--- BDSM Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now