Chapter 5

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"Ok, so we know how to do it, right?"FBI asked the next morning the organizations were up.
As EU stuffed a piece of toast into his mouth and made himself coffee, ASEAN nodded.
"Where's UNICEF?"ASEAN asked, ignoring EU crying on the floor after he dropped his coffee.
"Dunno,"FBI shrugged, as EU tearily cleaned up and went to make himself another cup.
"Hope I'm not late!"UN grinned, as he flew in with BRICS. "UNICEF contacted me saying she would come later, she had to talk with some countries."
"Understandable,"ASEAN said, as EU came in.
"This is the worst morning ever,"EU said, sitting down on a chair.
"Ah, don't worry,"UN smiled. "We are starting today anyways!"
"Wait, where's AU?"EU asked.
"Here!"AU suddenly flew in, nearly crashing into BRICS.
"What happened to you?"EU questioned, pointing at the cut on AU's wing.
"A seagull, don't ask,"AU said to FBI who looked on the verge of asking the dreaded question.
"Back on topic,"ASEAN said. "When do we start?"

Australia, Canada and NZ listened as America screeched in his room, whom they knew he was with EU.
"Don't worry, it is only for a few days!"EU said, dragging America out of his room.
"What is gonna happen to him?"Canada asked, slightly concerned.
"Oh don't worry!"EU said. "We are only going to lock him in a room with Russia, Iran and North Korea for a few days!"
"Wait what?!"Australia exclaimed but EU had already teleported away.
"I don't know if I should be concerned at this moment,"NZ said, slurping his ice cream.
"It's not like they're gonna kill him,"Canada said. The three nodded in silence.
Then Australia asked, "He ain't gonna die is he?"

India went downstairs to see Pakistan in the kitchen, again.
"Good morning,"he said, expecting a rude reply.
"Yeah whatever,"came the response.
India just shook his head as Pakistan went deeper into the kitchen, ignoring him.
"I'm going out,"India said, not expecting a reply.
"What, no breakfast?"Pakistan's call surprised him.
"I thought you didn't care about me,"India said.
"I don't, just because I ask a question doesn't mean so much,"Pakistan said, sounding annoyed.
"Whatever,"India muttered, walking out.

Russia was, needless to say, in a slightly worse mood today. It was a cold day, don't get him wrong, he loves freezing days. But today, Belarus had made him put on a sweater, insisting it was going to rain.
Russia didn't wear it, but he did tie it around his waist to appease her. Belarus was satisfied, so Russia was able to go out without her scolding him.
As Russia went to where China, NK, India, Iran and Cambodia were suppose to be, he heard a noise. He turned to see where but saw that it came from the forest.
"Strange,"he thought. "What was that?"
He stared for a bit longer and then went on, unease slowly filling him.
"Hey Vodka addict!"Iran called, waving him over. They were standing near the edge of the forest.
"Woah, are you wearing a sweater?"India gasped dramatically.
"He finally wore the sacred article!"Iran announced, as Cambodia stifled a snicker.
"The most holy artifact!"India declared.
"This belongs to Kazakhstan,"Russia muttered, as the duo continued their drama.

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