Chapter 38

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       UN and the other organizations soon felt that the forest was more different than they first realized. It seemed to be taking a toll on some countries' sanity.
      Although not much abnormal activity has been reported in the forest itself, some countries acted out of the ordinary when they came near it.
      The Organizations were lost in what to do. Was this not the perfect place after all? The first time they came here everything was perfect. The ocean was definitely what made countries feel very joyful when coming here. The salty sea air made it the paradise it was. But the forest itself, a distance from the countries themselves, was in contrast to what the Organizations and countries needed.
        They had some speculations of course...
       "It isn't the forest that's creepy, it is as if something living in it is causing fear,"FBI said. "Trees can't hurt you, mentally but physically yeah." He was referring to the WhipperSnapper Trees.
      "Agreed,"NATO nodded. "The forest seems to be growing a darker atmosphere. It is causing discomfort."
        UN and the other Organizations listened to the theories. ASEAN spoke up.
      "So in that case, some being in the forest is causing some countries to be mentally stressed. But it is not the forest itself,"ASEAN said.
       UNICEF nodded slowly. "It makes sense a little. But there's nothing in the forest. Not even Spirit Animals are willing to go near it."
     "Remember how America's Eagle reacted?"AU added. "Nearly clawed his face out. The poor creature was terrified, spooked out of his feathers!"
     EU stretched, his wing purposefully smacking AU's face, in a joking manner.
      "Yeah, but the Eagle recovered once it was out of the forest,"EU said, looking at him, then back at UN. "What do you think?"
     "I think we should ask WHO and UNESCO a little about this,"UN decided. "WHO has some ideas and so does UNESCO."
      "Makes sense,"ASEAN said. So the Organizations agreed to go meet WHO and UNESCO to discuss the situation.

        "There's nothing there though,"NK said bluntly.
       "Well, you can't see it but I can,"Russia said, as China nodded.
       "It looks like this,"China said, getting a piece of paper from the table and a pencil and started drawing it.
       "You can see it too?"Russia asked, in slight disbelief, when he saw the exact same face on the paper.
      China shrugged.
"Can't believe you never told me. I thought I was the one going crazy here,"Russia shook his head.
     NK looked at them both.
"You are all kidding me right?"North said, poking the drawing. "You guys see this on surfaces?"
     "Well apparently so,"Russia said.
"What is it?"NK questioned, looking confused.
     "No idea,"Russia answered. "It's just something we see but no one else we know can so far. And now it is right there."
     He nodded torwards his left, where he and China saw the leering expression.
      NK shook his head. "That's creepy."
Russia agreed, though he had no idea how China felt about it. The other country just ignored the face as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
      "Besides having a face following you around,"NK said. "Have you realized how America's Eagle nearly ripped his face out? Hilarious."
       Russia remembered. "Yeah."

This is what happened.

       They were going to go outside to see how Spirit Animals can interact with you before Transformation. ASEAN had called for volunteers and America being the voluntarist he was, shot his hand up and already summoned his Eagle before anyone else could do anything.
       So ASEAN said that during Transformation it'd be best if you had some space. And if your animal was bigger then get more space. America did. He stepped away from the group and went a little closer to the forest.
       ASEAN was telling everyone the process when all of a sudden the Eagle that America had perched on his arm squawked loudly and flapped in alarm. Shrieking it began to hop at America and using its razor sharp talons dug right at him.
      "BAD BAD BAD EAGLE!!"America had screeched.
      Fortunately America didn't have his eyes plucked out as he had brought back his Eagle to its dormant state. But his face was a bloody mess.
     "Ow, that hurt,"America had said, as everyone else stood in shock.
     Except NK. He nearly burst out laughing but just managed a small snicker.

That was what occurred.

       Apparently NK was also recounting the memory because he looked slightly happy.
       "Why does North look so happy?"Iran said, jumping in.
      "What, can't I be happy for no reason?"NK retorted.
      "America's Eagle scratched his face,"Russia answered.
     "I can't believe you betrayed me like this,"NK said, frowning as Iran gasped.
       "What?! Why wasn't I there to witness that spectacular moment?!"Iran said.
       "Because you were busy having your butt stuck in detention,"India suggested.
     "I'm pretty sure China's got you covered,"Russia said.
   China did of course. He tossed his phone to Iran who caught it and played the video that China had gotten out. China had taken it onto himself to provide entertainment.
      Iran watched while laughing and replaying it over and over again.
     "Bro, you gotta send it to me,"Iran said, wiping away tears of laughter. He tossed it back to China who caught it one handed. He proceeded to do so as India and Iraq laughed.
      "Send it us too!"Iraq said.

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