Chapter 42

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"As a precaution we will be separating all of you guys based on the chances of you turning into a possibly dangerous animal,"NATO said, pointing at various areas around them.
Russia glanced at the countries near him. He himself probably had to go to one of the "Dangerous" labeled areas. Then he saw Wales and Bhutan. Well, if there was a hazardous area then they'd probably had to go there. China too.
"A Panda is harmless,"EU said. "I mean, yeah their hugs are strong but they're cute and fluffy!"
Russia facepalmed as China watched.
Clearly, EU had forgotten about China's other national symbol, even if it wasn't a really national animal. It sort of was if you think about it.
Fortunately UNICEF had reminded him and called China over.
"Good luck comrade,"Russia said.
China acknowledged this with a nod and walked to where Bhutan and Wales were.
As Russia turned to see where his other friends were he saw Ukraine stalking towards him.
Before he could say anything Ukraine walked up to him.
"We will talk later, Russia,"she hissed, her eyes gleaming with barely repressed rage. Frustration was visible on her expression and she walked off, shoulders stiff with anger.
Russia was bewildered. Did he do something to upset her again? What was with the sudden hostility?
"Russia! Over here!"He heard India call him over.
"What is it?"Russia said, thinking about Ukraine's words.
"UN had told me to get you here in the Dangerous area,"India explained, as they walked in the wide grassland.
Other countries chatted excitedly over the prospect of changing into their animals. He saw Spain. What was his National animal again?
Ohhhhh, a Bull. Yeah, Bulls are very dangerous. Russia remembered.
Bulls could gore.
He just had a question.
"India, we hadn't practiced Transformation at all,"Russia said. "How are we going to do it? Will something go wrong?"
India looked at him. "Well, when you attempt Transformation there really is no such thing as failing. When you Transform, you just turn into the animal. There was never such thing as a failed or partway Transformation. So if you can't Transform at the moment, then you can't. But if you can then you completely turn into the animal. How we do it? Well, do the same thing America did without going too close to the forest."
Russia nodded. He had already realized that the chosen areas were farther away from the trees.
"Alright you slugs! Get ready to Transform!"NATO called to get their full undivided attention.
"Slugs?"Russia heard India mutter. NATO's words might've seemed stern, but he was smiling altogether.
"Remember, if you aren't able to Transform, it doesn't mean you can't. It just means your Animal isn't ready to merge some of its Spirit with you,"NATO said.
       "Will we become aggressive to each other once we Transform?"India shouted.
     "WHO is sure you guys won't since none of their countries had ever become aggressive. However, if you want to be careful you can separate. If you guys become aggressive, attempt to Transform back. If that doesn't work, then we will help if needed since it is better to try to turn back to normal than to have us have to use our powers to get you to calm down,"NATO answered swiftly.
      India nodded.
"Alright, if there are no more questions, now I will guide you into Transformation. My first time, so don't judge me if I can't,"NATO said, slightly joking. Some countries laughed.
      Russia and India watched together, along with the other countries as NATO summoned his Wolf. Similar to EU's but a different pelt color of even darker blue and NATO's mark on its face.
    NATO turned to them.
"It is of utmost importance that you communicate with your animal before Transformation,"he said seriously, hand laid on the Wolf's head.
    "Why?"one of the countries called.
NATO looked at all of them to make sure they were listening.
     "If you don't communicate with your Spirit animal, chances are extremely high that you. Will. Kill. Them." He cut the words straight and forward. Even his Wolf seemed to look at them sternly.
    "What?!"another country exclaimed. Russia blinked in slight surprise.
     "Yes,"NATO said. "Not that it has ever happened, but UNESCO had a student who had forgotten to communicate with their Spirit Animal. As a result, the Spirit Animal had nearly died and the student had barely managed to save their Spirit Animal. It's because if you don't communicate with them, you won't have enough of Spirit in your mental state, which then leads to the unintended result of ripping the Spirit Life Force of your own Animal to Transform. Lack of communication leads to this also if your Spirit Animal has not given their consent to transfer some of its Spirit to you. In extremely  rare occasions, the Spirit that is transferred is left in you so you can Transform whenever you want. And you will have a permanent animal limb."
      Silence greeted this explanation.
Russia hoped he wouldn't be stuck with a bear tail or bear ears for the rest of his life. Or else America would be making fun of him everyday. Or his friends (Iran, Iraq and India) would.
     "Cool!"India said, as NATO finished explaining. "Hope I can get a tiger tail. Then I can show Malaysia my Tigers are clearly more superior! But still, that killing part. Hopefully that never happens to anyone."
      Russia nodded. If he lost his Spirit National Animal, he didn't know what he would do. He had a particularly strong bond with it.     
      "Alright, summon your animal,"NATO instructed.
       Russia and India did. A brief glow of orange and golden brown suffused the air around them and out hopped a Royal Bengal Tiger and a Eurasion Bear.

Fun Fact: Russia likes fluffy things, but he never told anyone. Although China knows.

       "When you communicate, you should at least give them a friendly greeting,"NATO said. "As if it was the first time you met them. Ask them how was their day or how they are feeling."
      Russia did. His Eurasion Bear next to him snuffed. Russia held back a small grin. His Eurasion Bear had told him it wanted to help him Transform and that if they failed he'd be subject to eternal shame.
       "Know this,"NATO called again. "Your Spirit Animal mostly cannot help you choose what you want to Transform. However, if you can naturally feel the nature of any animal in your country, for example, perhaps a bird. If you can imagine the wind on you, even if there is no wind, the chances are likely that you turn into an air-borne animal."
       Russia immediately knew what he could and would want to Transform into. A Wolf. But it didn't mean he might actually be able to turn into one.
      Transformation was such a complicated thing and he hadn't even started yet.

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