Chapter 10

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    "Bug off Martial."
Iran didn't know how he came face to face with the law, but all he knew was that red flag he was in trouble.
      "Oh I'm sorry, am I bothering you?"Martial asked unkindly, with a smirk on his face.
      "Nope, I'm bothering you,"Iran replied back, "why else would you be asking me?"
     Martial scowled at Iran's mock stupidity.
"You know what I mean."
    "No, I don't,"Iran said, swerving to go around him, Martial stood in his way however.
      "What the hell do you want?"Iran said, frowning.
"Nothing from you,"Martial answered, causing Iran to deepen his frown.
      "Then what are you talking to me for? I for one, don't want to have anything to do with you,"Iran said, stepping around, just to be blocked again.
     "I'm wasting my time talking to you because,"Martial finally responded. "I want you to go to the forest."
     "What?!"Iran exclaimed angrily. "Go there yourself!"
    North was right about this guy. An annoying, irritating, smug bug that is always being a big pain.
      "Nah, I have other things to do, but, if you aren't willing to go..."Martial now had a different expression on his face. He seemed to be in thought. "Well, let's just say, there will be a very nasty surprise, or accident, waiting for you."
     Before Iran would respond back Martial spun on his feet and strolled off, a smug smirk on his face.
      When Martial was gone Iran stalked away, despite the law's words echoing in his mind over and over again.

     "Iran, you look mad, what the frick happened?"Iraq asked, having joined the group.
     "Martial,"Iran answered, sounding exasperated. "Big pain in the face he is."
      "We need no more words,"Iraq said, placing a palm up. "We understand your suffering, mentally."
"That guy's an ogre, ignore him,"Iraq nodded.
     "Anyone wanna bet he was raised in the mountains?"India said.
      "No cap, he probably was,"Iraq raised a hand.
"Haha,"Iran laughed, sarcastically.
     "Don't think too much about, the accident is most likely about slipping on a banana peel,"Iraq waved a hand with no concern for the world.
      "Uh huh,"Iran said, not believing that, but nonetheless comforted by his confidence. Cambodia, Iran, China, NK and Russia was then joined by Laos and Cuba.
      Laos and Cuba both looked equally depressing.
"Woah, what happened to you two?"Cambodia asked, scooting over to give Cuba space to plop himself down next to them. Laos just fell flat on the grass, groaning.
      "What happened to him?"Iran jerked a thumb at the incapacitated Laos. "He looks worse than me."
    "And that's saying something,"Iraq joked, though he still earned a punch on the arm.
    "He got stuck in a room with Vietnam,"Cuba answered, looking glum. "I got stuck with Italy."
       "Wow,"Iraq said. "Who put you guys in the room?"
     "The organizations,"Cuba said, looking annoyed.
"You guys too?"Russia asked.
     "What do you mean?"
"Me, Iran and North got put in a room with America," Russia frowned, remembering.
      "Surprise surprise,"Cuba yawned. "I wonder what they're up to, putting us in the same room as our enemies."
      "How am I suppose to know?"Cambodia shrugged.
     "That's the neat part, you don't,"Iran said, memeing now.
     "How dare you,"Cambodia said.
"Whatever the case is,"India said, having heard the conversation and joining them now. "They better stop or else we are going to end up killing each other."
    Iran stared at the cut on India's arm.
"How'd that happen?"He pointed at it.
    "Got it from Pakistan,"India sounded mad. "We got stuffed in the same room. We couldn't use our powers for some reason..." he muttered something else, sounding annoyed.
      "What?"Iran asked.
"We got into a fight,"India finally said, sitting down and healing his arm.
     "But,"Iraq sounded questioning. "How'd he give you that cut? You guys can't use your powers right?"
      "His vines remember?"India sounded irritated. "They aren't magical."
     "Right,"Iran nodded. "Who started it?"
This time India didn't answer.
      Iraq groaned. "Oh gosh, please don't tell me you're the one who started it..."
     "What? It's not my fault he looks like an idiot waiting to get smacked,"India said.
      "What's your problem with that guy?"Iraq wondered aloud. "Aren't you guys siblings?"
    "Not all siblings have wonderful relationships,"India retorted, glaring at the ground.
       The countries remained silent, letting him brew in his own thoughts.
      "Hey, speaking of siblings,"Cambodia said. "South and North Korea haven't been locked in a room yet."
     NK tensed. "Don't even talk about that,"he snapped.
     "Ok sorry,"Cambodia said, looking quite surprised. "Just a thought."
      "Hopefully not a reality huh?"Laos said, seeing NK's expression.
     "Yeah whatever,"he said, turning away.
"You have a lot of siblings right Russia?"Iran asked. Russia tensed a little. They never mentioned his siblings before.
      "Yeah, I do,"Russia said, trying to relax so they didn't see his unease, however China looked at him.
      "Man, must be very stressing,"Iraq added. "You have to take care of all of them?"
     Russia seemed to pause on this answer, obviously this was not a comfortable topic for him though he didn't say so nor told them he didn't want to talk about it.
     "No, I don't have to,"Russia replied, casting his gaze downward. "They don't need me."
     This threw the Countries into a complete silence.

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