Chapter 58

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EU had gotten use to chaos in his Organization. But he didn't expect Germany to attack Wales. By now he knew the entire situation. He didn't believe in punishing his members as ASEAN sometimes did. Then again, ASEAN was the most disciplining one of their Organization group.
Germany and Poland were standing in front of him, their differences were stark clear. Germany looked the other way, at whatever was out the window at the moment and Poland was looking at EU with an unreadable expression, his wings were tied with ice packs at the tips courtesy of WHO.
"Look Pol, I understand that you didn't like how Germany handled the situation at the end but you know why he did what he did. On the other hand... Germany, over here please. I'm not outside. Now, Germany I have this one question. Is it really that hard for you to not attack others when Poland gets injured?"
EU can be strict, yes unbelievably, when it comes to problems like this.
"I'd rather not say, especially since you already know the answer,"Germany sounded his usually curt self whenever this kind of situation occurred. And he answered with his mind, as usual.
Germany looked at EU, "What do you think I should do then?"
The Organization looked at Poland.
"I think I have a solution,"the winged country murmured, avoiding eye contact with Germany who looked at him now. "And I think it'd be better if I told him, alone."
EU didn't like the sound of that one bit. He guessed he wouldn't get an answer out of Poland.
"If it's ok with Germany for me to stay out of this, I really don't see why you want me to leave,"EU said, giving Poland a curious look.
"It's fine,"Germany answered, EU thought he saw Poland's wings twitch a bit. He only did that whenever he was nervous, pissed off, etc. He guessed nervousness.
EU held back a sigh. As much as he wanted to help, he couldn't do much. Organizations don't control countries, they just keep them, well, organized. As best as they can anyway. He honestly found this situation the most difficult to deal with. The other countries had their problems too, but they were, admittedly, easier to find solutions to.
"Alright,"EU said, he gave Germany one last long look. He teleported away, leaving them alone his room. But he was uneasy on what Poland might propose as a solution.

"There's class tomorrow, are you coming?"North's voice questioned at the end of the phone. Russia sighed.
"Obviously not,"he answered, lying on his bed and being a bit stressed out. That was an understatement in case you haven't noticed.
     "What are we gonna do with you Russia?"NK sounded exasperated.
      Nothing, Russia thought.
"Don't worry about it, I'll just try to get some shut eye and come tomorrow. I just need a day to myself,"Russia said, hoping the answer was convincing enough so North didn't come barging into his house.
      There was a pause.
"Ok then... But if you can't come tomorrow that's fine."
      A longer pause.
"Takr care of yourself Russ."
      He blinked. Wow, never thought he'd hear North say that. But his friends genuine concern made him feel lighter inside.
     "Sure, bye then,"Russia said.

   "Russia isn't coming today,"North told the group.
     "What? Why?"Iran exclaimed, "Why?!"
     Vietnam rolled his eyes at his dramatic friends, but he was concerned as well.
   "Apparently he needs a day to himself. It's probably all this invasion shi* with everyone trying to call him out about it,"North responded, a little angrily.
     Iraq and Iran looked at each other. Then at North.
    "Huh, and no one's mentioned the fact that America has invaded me,"Iraq said.
     "Or Afghanistan,"Iran added.
But they didn't sound amused at all.
     "This isn't fair to Russia,"Laos shook his head. "The other countries are just unrightfully judgemental."
     "Yeah, but what can we do?"North said annoyed. "It's like a majority of the world hates us even though we didn't do anything."
    "I agree, we just keep to ourselves. Unlike America who's always butting his  long non-existent nose into everyone's business,"Iran said, equally annoyed.
     The group went into a silence.
"We can't do anything about it, but we can check up on Russia after classes end,"Cuba suggested.
    "He needs a day to himself remember?"North reminded him. "Maybd that's all he needs and he'll be back to normal."
     "I hope so,"India sighed. "Honestly, this isn't like Russia at all. What's been going on with him?"
    Before any of them could respond, the bell rang for them to go to class.
    "Damn it,"they all said.

    "I do not!" New Zealand burst out, a red mess of blush dusting his cheeks.
   "Yes you do!"Australia said, smirking smugly. "You do like her!"
    "Shut up! She'll hear you!"NZ sounded terrified.
     Australia looked at him with a confused expression.
    "We are the only ones here,"He pointed out, they were discussing this in the dorms. NZ had come here to rest before next class when he got attacked by Australia about this embarrassing topic.
     "Who are you even talking about?"NZ demanded, wondering if his brother was just teasing him or if he was being serious.
     Australia blinked. "Belarus of course,"he stated bluntly.
      NZ's blush deepened, confirming his (Aussie's) suspicions.
     "Proof?"NZ said, hoping to gain information on how Australia figured this out.
     "Let's see, number one, you are always talking to her a lot,"Australia said. "Two, you're blushing so that's pretty obvious. Three, you always hang out with her in your free time and even after school. Four, you have a framed picture of her in your room and in this one with you and her hugging. Five, you talk in your sleep about her. Six, you say, 'Goodnight Bela' every night now, so that's manly devotion right there. Seven, you always act like a depressed kiwi whenever she isn't around. Eight, you always show off your kiwi birds around her and no one else. Nine, I caught you both sharing a hokey pokey ice cream in this very dorm. Ten, but not the last, you always look like you want to give her a nice little kiss."
      With every thing Australia listed, NZ's face turned red and red. Was his liking of Belarus so obvious? Hold up.
     "Wait, does he know?"NZ asked, nervous. 
    "America? Yeah he does. He was acting so drastic about it too. He was like, 'Oh my gosh! Kiwi loves Belarus?! Why are my siblings crushing on Russia's siblings out of all the siblings out there?!' But then I don't like any of them in that way so I smacked his idiotic head until it spun 180 degrees in my direction, which is a joke, and I-"
      "No no no no,"NZ interrupted Australia's interesting story. "I meant Russia. Does he know I'm crushing on Bela right now?"
     "Then there is number eleven, you give her a nickname. But to answer your question. I don't think so,"Australia shrugged. "Why, are you scared?"
     "Of him bashing my head against the wall? Yes,"New Zealand nodded. "I wish I was as bold as Canada." He looked a little sad.
     Australia, being the best brother ever, saw this and said, "Canada is different. Plus, he likes someone different. Here's the thing. Ukraine is the one that Russia has to worry the least about because she has the worst temper out of all of them. So he is a little light on her situation. Belarus has a different situation."
     NZ gulped. "How different?"
Aussie decided to give him the hard truth. After all, no sugarcoating was going to get New Zealand a girlfriend with a more-than-overprotective brother who also happens to be one of the strongest countries around.
      "You see, Belarus has a more gentler temperament and is basically the innocent peacemaker of the family. She is the one that others would say 'Protect the bean' or whatever. Russia is less lenient on those who like Belarus. You aren't the only one you know."
     NZ felt a little frustrated. There were others as well?
     "Number twelve, you get that pissed off look whenever other boys hang around Belarus,"Australia commented.
    "Alright I get it! I like her!"NZ sounded reluctant and relieved at the same time for finally admitting it out. His brother gave a satisfied grin.
      NZ had been acting lovesick for a while now and trailing after Belarus like a persistent kangaroo and now he finally got his suspicions confirmed.
      Wait a minute, that meant Aussie was a single pringle potato now-

Happy 4th of July America

In case you didn't know, the 4th of July is not the actual day America got its independence.

Fun Fact: Britain was most definitely pleased to finally be able to kick Ame out of the house. (Joke)

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