Chapter 63

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The rain was relentless. Russia watched the downpour from inside the house through the window. Belarus hadn't come home and so has Ukraine. Should he be surprised? Nope.
He was sitting on his bed, contemplating on what to do next. He had nothing to do, right now his only companions are the raindrops. The air was chilly but that was outside, inside it was cold. But it was a normal for him.
Eventually he gave up and just laid on the bed. Existing was problematic for him.
The rumbling sound of thunder was now audible. It seemed as if there was going to be a storm. The sky was dark gray, causing his room to be dark as well. It appeared that night came early, even though it was the afternoon.

Russia glanced at his phone laying on the table. He sat up and tapped on it.
Nothing particular. Nothing interesting. No notifications. No text spams from his friends. He closed it and laid on the bed again, as comfortable as he was he couldn't rest. He should at least try to get some sleep, as futile as it was.
On his side, he remembered when a Skryna bit him there. It was a nasty wound but at least it healed. He also recounted the purple crust around the bite marks. He didn't like that.
He also didn't like the fact that he had a probably-eternal stalker, the Face.
Even in the dim room he could see the white eyes and white smile. Strangely it hasn't moved from its spot ever since it arrived. Or so it seemed. It was still in the place above his desk. Sure in the restroom he would see it but when he returned to his room it was still, above his desk.
He should probably remove the damn walls and replace it.
    Whatever. He should focus on sleeping. He closed his eyes, hoping it would find him soon.

       China listened to some music as he watched the rain outside cascade down the window. It was quite cold and Qing was safely snuggled underneath the blanket. Well, China had gotten him an additional one since he knew the Dragon couldn't tolerate the cold just yet.
       The country was quite bored honestly. All the interesting things that happened seemed to have been in the past. Now what could he do?
      Qing, sensing his boredom, lightly smacked him in the arm with his tail and looked at him from under the blanket.
     Nevermind, life with Dragons was never boring. He decided to visit Yin and Yang. The two-headed dragon has been staying inside lately.

       Iran and Iraq both T-posed India because yes...
      Ok, it was because India accidentally let loose his snake and it caused an entire panic in the Middle East.
     They got their butts kicked because of it so now they decided to torture India with this unusual ritual as he cowered between the two.
    "Guys stop this isn't funny!"India exclaimed fearfully, curling up into a ball.

Fun Fact: Please abstain from placing an apple on a country's head whenever you're near Mongolia. He will not hesitate to shoot it off with a crossbow.

      Iran looked at Iraq.
"Nah bro, this offense is punishable by death,"he said this while Iraq nodded solemnly.
Iraq had to stifle a laugh as Iran mocked offense.
      They've been at this for a few minutes and their antics were never boring. India had to admit, he never thought he'd ever end up as a victim to his own friends. It was playful betrayal at its finest.  
        "Ok fine, we will pardon you this one time,"Iran helped India up. "By the way, you haven't heard anything from Russia, have you?"
     India dusted himself off. "Nope."
Iraq frowned. "That's a shame, especially since it's been a while that hardly any countries have been fighting."
      Iran nodded as India looked at them.
"Isn't that a good thing?"India questioned, curious.  
     "Yeah it is. But it's strange too. Countries fight just about everyday but it seems like just about most of them are getting along,"Iraq replied.
     "Never thought I'd hear that ever happen,"Iran remarked. "Quite unbelievable, but I think UN and the Organizations actually have got something going. It's a good thing they abandoned the 24 hour room method."
     India nodded. Once he spent 24 hours with Pakistan, it was not without conflict.
    He wondered how the Organizations were doing it...

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