Chapter 27

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Peru was still unsettled by the sight of gore but she shrugged it off and continued to follow Russia ignoring audible whispers behind her.
As they went through yet another classroom Russia was about to show her the Training Area when a sight caught him off guard.

As she tried to see what made him freeze on the spot she saw a country with a sky blue and yellow flag getting hugged by another country with a maple leaf on the middle of their face.
Oh and there was some very light kissing of course.

"Is, is she your o-other s-sister?"Peru quessed, staring curiously while Russia blocked her sight with a hand, protecting her innocence.

Russia guided her out and as he walked, he facepalmed.
"That is the only exception I'm willing to make,"he mumbled, swiping his scarf over his shoulder, which she noticed was tainted red.
"Classrooms range from 1a-10z is there,"Russia said, pointing at the left direction. "Range 2b-20II is the opposite direction. Then there are the Club rooms."
"Clubs?"Peru sounded slightly excited.
"Yeah, cooking, art, animal care, whatever,"Russia shrugged.
"That's awesome,"Peru said, nodding happily.

Russia didn't think it was awesome but he wasn't going to smother her joy anytime soon.
"What are you interested in?"Russia asked, in an untalented way of starting a conversation.

"U-uhm, I really like to draw,"Peru blushed.
Russia went off with Peru tailing him.
They walked outside and Russia came to a stop near a fence that was guarding off a shiny area.
"That's the Arena, if you want to issue a Countryhumans Duel, then you go to NATO and he will activate the field for you."
"Why would you... want to duel, fight someone?"Peru asked, curious.

"She is an innocent child, like how the heck does she not know ,"Russia thought.

"Well,"he said, having been in plenty of duels himself, though never in the Arena. "There are those who want to test their strength or skills against each other, those who use Dueling as a way to settle arguments, or want to fight since they are bored, some see fighting each other as an opportunity to strengthen their own abilities and some stuff like that."
Peru seemed amazed by how much he knew.
"Wow,"she exclaimed. "You know so much!"
Russia didn't know how to respond to this so he didn't.
"Is there an ice skating rink?"Peru questioned.
"Over there,"Russia said, nodding towards a dome in the distance.
Peru's eyes shined excitedly.
"I love ice skating!"Peru reeled. "I heard you are very good at it!"
Russia blinked in surprise.
"Who told you that?"
"America!"Peru answered, jumping up throwing her hands in the air. Her eyes sparkled.
"Shoot, I must've not been paying attention to what they were saying,"Russia thought. "I'm gonna kill that capitalist pig."

"No cursing please,"NATO sighed. "Please tour these new students."
North Korea was in the worst situation in his entire life. Well, one of the worst. He had to tour some new students!
One looked intelligently smart mouthed so he might be a big problem. The other was looking away with his arms crossed.
"Who are these people?!"NK exclaimed.
NATO sighed again.
He pointed to the smart one.
"That is PKI,"he pointed to the one not paying attention. "And that's MPAJA."
"They aren't countries,"NATO said, explaining. "MPAJA is a resistance group in Malaysia and PKI is a communist party in Indonesia."
"Then why not ask Malaysia and Indonesia to tour them?"NK sounded irritated.
"Because these two are touring other countries,"NATO answered. "Now, go on and tour them." He teleported away leaving NK no space to protest.
"Fu##,"NK said, ignoring NATO's previous warning.
"He isn't here yet?"MPAJA asked, his voice deep.
"Haha, nope!"PKI sounded like the physcotic type. "He is aaaalways late."


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NK thought he was going to go nuts.
"Alright since I'm stuck with a task I've never had experience in, I'll just wing it,"he thought. "Who the frick are they talking about anyways?"
Whatever, just show them some parts of the Academy and they will be good to go.
"SHUT THE F UP AND LET ME GET ON WITH THE TOUR!!"NK exclaimed. The one named PKI whistled.
"Temper~"He teased, spinning a knife. PKI looked at North Korea with a curiously amused expression as if North was a screeching monkey in a zoo.

MPAJA didn't look amused.
NK glared at PKI.
"Fiiiine,"PKI sighed, manifesting the knife into oblivion.

"The tour was torture,"NK said, slamming his head on the table.
They were eating breakfast in the Cafeteria and NK had just told them about MPAJA and the annoying PKI.
"Knowing Indonesia, it isn't really a surprise,"Laos laughed. Cambodia grinned.
"MPAJA though, he sounds way different than the Malaysia I know,"Cambodia added.
Russia was busy trying to get a straw through his vodka bottle. He preferred the easy simplicity of life-
So while Russia sipped from the straw Iran and Iraq came in.
"We had to tour some idiots named Lebanon and Morocco,"Iraq said. "Why were we given tour duty?"
"Perhaps it's our charm,"Iran said.
"Of course,"Iraq nodded.
"Heeey Russia! You got a girlfriend?"a nearby country shouted, much to the laughter of other countries.
Russia nearly choked.
"Wooah, what is this?"Iran exclaimed. "Russia, my guy, explain why he said that!"
Russia buried his face in his hands.
"Now now handsome man, don't be ashamed,"Iraq admonished.
"He toured a female country,"another country leaned and whispered to him.
"It was just a tour,"Cambodia said. "Why is it such a big deal?"
Cambodia was sort of an innocent bean. Can't blame him.
"Ahem,"Laos placed an arm around Cambodia. "You see..."
"No Laos!"India smacked his head.
"Ouch!"Laos crashed off the bench, upside down.
Vietnam had to hold in his laugh.
"F u,"Laos stuck up the middle finger while still on the ground.
Cuba rolled his eyes.
"Hey, has anyone seen China?"North Korea questioned.
"Uhhhhm, noo?"Laos said, getting up.
"Frick,"NK said, bored. Great, where could China be at this moment?

"Hmm, so Russia, tell us about this lady~"Iraq said, smiling evilly with Iran.
"Dafuq,"Russia thought, blinking.
"Yes, the thought of Russia getting a girlfriend is too good to be true. We must hear it from the man, the myth, the legend himself!"Iran announced, causing others to stare at them.

Russia thought he would die.

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