Chapter 7

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        They were stuck in the room for hours. Nothing was going on so far. And worst of all, it was boring in there.
     "Let me out,"Iran kept on banging his head on the wall.
     "Or even better,"he sat down with Russia and NK. "Just end my suffering."
     "Inpossible,"NK said, "as long as we are stuck here it's going to be a long day."
     "Ugh, tell me about it,"Iran rolled his eyes. "Being stuck with America is the worst."
       "Hey! I can hear you, you sour Iranian!!"America yelled back.
     "Sour?!"Iran shouted back angrily, even Russia opened an eye to see what the commotion was about.
      "Don't 'sour' me!"America leaped to his feet. "You were just commenting on how awful it is to be with me!"
     "Oh please, no one asked for your drama,"Iran replied back, folding his arms together, scowling.
     "I wasn't being dramatic when I called you sour! You always have a frown on your face anyways grumpypants!"America retorted.
     Iran looked ready to murder.
"Oh jeez America shut up,"NK said, "We are all stuck in here and let's just do the organizations a favor and try not to strangle each other at the same day."
     America snorted. "Yeah sure. Acting like the peacemaker already."
     "I'm not a peacemaker!"NK frowned angrily. "And besides, no one asked for you to label us already!"
       "Label?"America said. "I'm just stating facts!"
"Then thanks for being Mr.Obvious,"NK scowled.
       While America was trying to restrain himself from attacking Iran just said, "And this is why we can't have our powers at the moment."

       "Who's next on the list?"FBI asked, while still separating ASEAN and EU from each other.
    "Hmm..."UNICEF thought. She was there because UN was busy thinking about how to put Pakistan and India together.
       UNICEF checked off some pairs and then said, "Vietnam and Laos."
     "What's with them?"FBI asked, suddenly standing up and letting ASEAN and EU crash to the ground.
     "Haven't you heard? Just recently Laos gave Vietnam a black eye and Vietnam nearly cracked Laos' head open against a wall."
"Whoooaa! Hey ASEAN, you never told me you had similar problems like that in your organization! I should drop by and visit sometime!"EU grinned as they both picked themselves up.
      "Usually they don't,"ASEAN answered curtly. He turned to UNICEF. "These two can get aggressively physical. Do you really think this is a good idea?"
      "We will come up with a different plan for these two,"FBI replied, now thinking. "Who's next UNICEF?"
       "There is also Cuba and Italy."she finished. "Those are all for today."
     "Alright..."FBI nodded. "I got an idea for Italy and Cuba."
     "So you can handle it yourself, right?"UNICEF asked.
     "Yeah,"FBI nodded. "Mark my words, these two will be getting on buddy buddy in no time."

      "Ok, not exactly buddy buddy, but hey, they're in the same room,"FBI said, panting slightly.
      "Ok..."EU said. "Now all we need is Vietnam and Laos, right?"
      ASEAN muttered something.
"What was that?"UNICEF asked.
     "I don't really think all of this forcing them into a room is going to work,"ASEAN sighed. "Plus, UN will be very reluctant to put a Peace Spell on them if they decide to fight each other."
   "Huh, why?"AU asked.
"Because you know,"ASEAN looked at them. "It has the effect of taking away some of their memories. You guys do know what happened decades ago, right?"
     The organizations were silent.
"Excuse me, what happened decades ago?"FBI questioned. "Can someone explain?"

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