Chapter 24

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The countries inside the Academy marveled at the intricate designs lacing the walls. There was even a fountain in the middle!
       "Housing quarters everyone!"UNICEF said quite cheerfully. "You will receive your new dorm numbers on your schedule. And please do not rip, burn or perform any obscenities on them..."She glanced at Iran and Iraq who both waved. "As ASEAN has worked for a long time printing and making sure they were all correct."
      "Hmm, well I'm sure any attractive ladies are bound to find my quarters soon~"America said in a flirting manner to a group of female countries who lost their marbles completely. He flashed them a signature grin. They shrieked and one of them swooned.
        Russia and NK looked disgusted.
Iran and Iraq laughed.
     "He got the ladies on the ropes,"Iraq wiped a tear away.
     "Shocker,"Iran responded.
The countries filed out of the hall. They were to go to the roof to receive their dorm address and class schedules.
      "Why are we going to the roof?"Laos asked as they went up the wooden stairs.
      "How the hell am I suppose to know?"NK replied, nearly being shoved by another country. North looked ready to beat his a$$ when China came over.
      "That wasn't very nice of them,"Iran said.
      China and Russia looked at each other.
      They reached the roof where there were tables set out with piles of different color papers on them. NATO and EU were causing a tiny commotion. EU had thrown a pie on NATO, who then proceeded to chase him with two of his guns.
        Some countries laughed as they watched NATO shoot a bullet at EU who dodged it.
      "GET BACK HERE EUROPEAN UNION!!"NATO yelled, before tripping over a pie left coincidentally on the floor.
     "CRAP!"NATO landed hard on the floor. America wheezed.
      "This is why I disowned America,"a familiar British accent said.
       "DAD?!"America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand burst out.
      "Greetings,"Britain waved a gloved hand, using the other to help NATO up.
       "Ha, even my own children don't react like that,"this time, a Russian accent was heard.
       "Wtf, why is dad here,"Russia said, in his head.
       "Shut it you Russian delinquent,"Britain said, waving dismissively at Soviet.
      NATO watched this exchange awkwardly since Britain was still holding his hand.
      "Uhm..."NATO started, but Britain noticed.  
     "My deepest apologies,"Britain said, releasing his hold. "I forgot."
      "So fricking formal,"EU yawned. "Hey NATO, want a hot dog next?" He tossed it up, grinning.
      NATO whipped out his guns again.
"Here we go. Anyone got popcorn?"Soviet asked a group of terrified countries who stood next to him.

       UNICEF was walking up the stairway with ASEAN to see if NATO and EU had passed out the schedules yet. Both of them didn't really trust the two of them but they had decided to give them a chance.
      "So..."UNICEF said, "do you think the two were able to do the simple task laid out for them?"
     "I doubt it,"ASEAN replied, not looking at her. "These two are most likely going to blow up the roof."
     UNICEF had to stifle a laugh. She wanted to act professional, especially around ASEAN.
      "Hmm,"she nodded. "These two are the biggest crackheads we know."
       The two continued walking in awkward silence.  They reached the rooftoop to see this scene.
      EU and NATO obediently passing out schedules. And a stern looking Germany right behind them.

Name: Germany Gender: MaleGermany is not a softy

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Name: Germany
Gender: Male
Germany is not a softy. The only thing that can break him is if you hurt his friends. But he can easily sense ill-intent. He is a bit of a workaholic but he isn't an idiot. He knows when to take short term breaks, sometimes he may overwork. Despite his fearsome appearance he can be a bit of a softie. And his terrible past doesn't seem to fizzle out the hopes of love he has in his heart.
Spirit Animal: Black Eagle
Powers: He has the power to cause mortal pain with his tail. It seems to be made of light but it is merely a transparent tail that has the tradition of threatening murder. It is like having an extra limb as his tail and pick up things and stuff. Another power is sensing ill intent as said before. He can also find out your deepest fear. He is also very smart so that can be counted as a power too. He can actually mute people and animals and no one knows how he does it.

        ASEAN and UNICEF looked at each other astonished.
        "Wooow, you are guys are doing a pretty good job,"UNICEF said, to which EU just shook his head very violently.
      ASEAN glanced knowingly at Germany who returned it. He knew this country a bit. He can really freak people out. His eyes always seem to relay the message of death.
       Germany looked back at NATO and EU.
       To summarize what happened, Germany had enough of NATO's and EU's crap so he threatened them with their deepest fears. In their head of course. And he muted them. Rarely any country had the guts to use their powers on the organizations so Germany made a really gutsy move, as he always does.
       And that my friends, is how the schedules were passed out and may the first day begin!

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