Chapter 32

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      "THE MITOCHONDRIA IS THE POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL!!"America screeched, while standing on the table.
       "Oh crap,"Russia thought, as the class burst into laughter. It was the second day of being in the Academy between America was up to his antics again.
      When was America going to be sick of climbing on to the table? Perhaps never.
     They were busy learning about the power of Transformation when America made this exclamation. ASEAN facepalmed. He made a mental note to tell UN about this.
     Russia looked around him as the other countries stopped laughing. How they found this amusing, he did not know. Otherwise, Taiwan was the only one who didn't laugh. He seemed rather uninterested these days. And he looked a bit...sad.


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Fun Fact: Italy is very artistic when it comes to making and decorating food/drinks.

      Russia looked back at America who happened to have fell off the table. Taiwan didn't seem to notice at the slightest. He was confused. Taiwan often laughed whenever America did that. Strange...
      He heard ASEAN sigh in slight annoyance as Indonesia took a picture.
     Russia maintained a straight composure as America looked at him and said, "Hey Vodka Man! How's it goin'?"
      Not well enough, Russia thought grimly as ASEAN called America back to his seat. He stared straight ahead, with the goal of surviving this class.

     NK sat on the roof, skipping class. How he hated it with Martial there always waiting to cause a ruckus. He let out a low sigh. Life was never easy in his part. However, it wasn't like he got a smashed in locker or a snake in it. Or being given death notes in his locker which was such a small nuisance that he didn't even bother to notice them covering his door.
      North just remembered that he forgot to ask Russia about his... past, thingy. Even though he had made a mental note to do so.
      He shut his eye in annoyance. Nothing was easy for him. His insane mentality never got him far. Besides smashing himself against things for no reason. His head hurt from a headache from yesterday's insanity attack.
      NK looked around, he was all alone. He closed his eyes again. He really liked the silence. No social anxiety-
      "What are you doing here?"
NK jumped. What the-
      "Martial you a$$!! What the heck?!"NK stood up, fists clenched ready for a fight. Strangely enough, the law didn't do anything, just stood there awkwardly.
        "Well?"NK demanded, his patience already low on this guy. He wanted nothing to do with him.
      The two enemies stared at each other. Martial had a hint of annoyance flash across his eyes but all he did was scoff and say, "Stop swearing, it doesn't make you cool."
      North's only eye twitched. He swore because he could and because he was mad AF at this guy.
      "Don't fricking care,"NK looked away, then back at Martial. "What do you want anyways?"
      "UN just wants us both in his office,"Martial replied, walking away already.
     NK stared after him in slight shock. For a rare moment he and Martial didn't fight. But then again they were both asked to go to his office so it wouldn't do if both of them ended up being shredded to pieces by each other.
      North Korea followed after.

      "So I hear you both are having problems, correct?"UN asked.
      "Yeah,"Martial grumbled. "He just called me an a$$ earlier."
     "You are an a$$, you can't deny it,"NK said.
      Martial looked ready to beat North when UN interuppted.
      "I had been hoping you guys would make up on your own but it seems I have no choice but to do this."
      At that the two boys stayed silent.
UN let two small spheres of light form on the palm of his hands. They swirled with sky blue color, the same as UN's eyes.
      UN looked at each of them and then handed a sphere to them both.
      "Now, this is something I would never do but seeing as it is necessary for you both to stop fighting, I've decided to give you your Memory Orbs. Made of light they absorb every moment of your life as long as they are in you. In this case they are out. You may do what you want with them. However, if you attempt to destroy it, which I hope you don't, it will not break. Not even if you shut it in the darkest corners of your mind."
      Martial and NK looked at each other.
"Wait, if this can solve our problem, why aren't other fighting countries getting this?"Martial asked.
      "Memory Orbs are very difficult to conjure. I see your problems as very unnecessary to have, especially the fight in the last Academy,"UN stated calmly. "Plus, Laws and Countries aren't suppose to fight. It can cause major problems."
     NK and Martial looked at each other again, then back at UN.
     "How do we use this?"North asked, tapping the swirling sphere.
     "That's for you to find out,"UN said, "each Memory Orb activates differently for each country, though some concepts may be similar. Good day."
     That meant for them to leave, so they did.

      "Seriously, how the heck is a Memory Orb going to solve our fighting?"Martial wondered out loud.
     North Korea ignored him.
"Why did you attack me?"NK asked him.
      Martial looked away. It took him a while to answer.
"You wouldn't believe it if I told you. You only saw one person..."
     NK was confused.
Then he laughed a little.
     "What's so funny?"Martial asked, surprised that NK did that.
     "That fight about our dead mothers, it was a stupid thing to argue about."
     Martial couldn't prevent a small grin creeping on to his face. He was glad he was facing a different direction. He remembered it in the hallway.
     "If I remember right, you attacked my dead mother first,"Martial countered.
     NK had to stifle another laugh.
Maybe, Martial wasn't so bad after all...
But then again, he did try to kill him...

Finally he decided to ask. It might stop their fighting once and for all.

"Why do you want to kill me?"

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