Chapter 81

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        "Gosh life is so complicated!"EU exclaimed, about to throw his sword again. AU shied away. NATO and FBI looked at each other then at UN.
      South had reported what happened, now he stood anxiously, green sparks flying around his hands. He had to find other help. He knew the Organizations were trying to do their best. He heard EU stabbing his sword at the doors again, trying to wedge the thin blade between the two.
       UN was using his powers, analyzing the substance but all that popped up were question marks. The symbols (?) illuminated the air and disappeared. He stepped back and shook his head. "This isn't anything we know of."
    AU frowned. "We shouldn't touch it."
As if to prove his point a glob of black dropped to the grass and it hissed. FBI had a hand placed under his chin in a thinking pose, a floating magnifying glass next to him. NATO was observing through the windows.
     "It's dark in there,"he confirmed, coming back. "And our mental communication is blocked."
      "Ok, now life is just plain bullying us,"EU said plainly, prying his sword out with a squelching sound. "Why won't the doors open?!"
      "I don't know, maybe try blasting them apart?"AU said in a joking manner.  
      "Jeez what a good idea, why haven't I thought of that?"EU said. "That was sarcasm in cause you couldn't tell."
     "I know."

      Even though the rain continue pattering down, South's green flames didn't go out. It was a strange thing. His fire could survive water.
     He glanced worryingly at the Academy. North may be a bit harsh, but he did care about him. South heard a noise behind him.
   It was Japan.
"Oh, hi Japan,"South said, letting the green flames go out.
    "Hey South,"Japan said, standing besides him, cat ears slightly perked. "I heard what happened."
    South Korea nodded.
"Don't worry, they'll be fine,"Japan said to make him feel better. "I'm sure of it."
    "I hope you're right,"South said, looking anxious. He sighed. "There's no way in."
      The two countries stood in silence.
South saw the Organizations, always busy. Could he possibly burn the doors down? But could he also burn the powerful claws down before they grabbed him? Perhaps not. He continued to think. What could he do?


       They decided to group up in ASEAN's classroom. As far as they could tell, they were the only ones trapped inside. Cambodia basically couldn't escape from under ASEAN's protective watch. UNICEF found this exceptionally funny despite the grim situation they were in. PKI and MPAJA hung around the windows, looking outside.
      North was sitting on a chair, massaging his sides and his head. ASEAN had given him a towel to wipe the blood off.
      Martial was off on the sides, occasionally catching glances of UNICEF looking at ASEAN in a puppy-like sort of way. It was downright hilarious, the strictest female Organization he knew was not doing a great job hiding her adoration. The Law saw her avoiding ASEAN's eyes every single moment.
       He made his way over to MPAJA and PKI.
      "Guys, even though we are trapped in here, I can't help but notice UNICEF looking love-sick over ASEAN,"Martial said in a low voice. PKI swung around a table, chuckling.   
      "Yeah, I know,"PKI said, jumping onto the table and sitting on it, a leg crossed over the other. He leaned forward, "It's been going on for a while."
     Vietcong frowned, as did MPAJA.
"Not really the best moment to be talking about possible romance is it?" Vietcong tilted his head in a disapproving manner. MPAJA shook his head.
      "Lighten up!"PKI said, though not loud enough for the others to hear. "What else are we suppose to talk about?"
      He manifested a knife in his hand.
"What about we play the 'Knife Game'? Indonesia recommended it to me, he said it would be the kind of stupid game I would play,"PKI suggested, leaping off the table, already doing the multiple stabbing movements. Martial looked uninterested.
      Vietcong and MPAJA glanced at each other.
     "This guy is an idiot,"MPAJA commented.
      "Yeah, but he's our idiot,"Vietcong added. Martial smiled a little.
   "True,"the Law agreed.
    "If you're all done being chummies then get your butts over here!"North said loudly. Martial rolled his eyes but walked over. PKI made the knife disappear and followed. Vietcong and MPAJA came over to where UNICEF, ASEAN, Cambodia and North were.
     "What, is there a way out of here?"MPAJA asked, looking at ASEAN and UNICEF.
      "NATO's tunnels. Some of them lead out,"UNICEF explained. "We can use them."
     "True, but it may be infested with...these,"ASEAN said, using a wing and gesturing out of the classroom. "If there are, we can't fight back with such limited space."
     "Then what can we do?"UNICEF asked, having already considered that possibility. "If we wait here, these things could come after us."
      North Korea was frustrated that they were so powerless. Even his Nuclear Hell wouldn't be able to bust them out. Even if it could, the radiation...
     Martial's powers could possibly do so. But then he had tried it at the doors earlier and it only agitated the limbs to attack him. He turned to the others.
    "What are your powers?"He asked PKI, MPAJA and Vietcong. He didn't even know what they could do.
     "Complete camouflage, hiding Mental Presence and being able to climb just about anything,"Vietcong answered.
       "Ok..."North thought. Camouflage sounded like a very useful skill. He never even heard of Mental Presence and didn't really know what that was. And...climbing just about anything? What was Vietcong? A spooder?
     "Blade manipulation,"PKI said, happily, allowing a knife to float above his hand and shaping it. The metal bended to a crescent shape, then he twirled his index finger and the crescent shape twisted. The lethal point glinted.
   North repressed a discomforting shiver. It didn't scare him, but PKI, again, unnerved him. Even as PKI leaned against a bookshelf, North wondered what blade manipulation had to do with anything. How was that a useful power?
      PKI made the knife disappear then added, as if guessing North's questioning of the usefulness of his power to bend metal, "Then again, I can cause Paranoia,"he shrugged, smiling all the while. "And Psychosis."
      North had absolutely no idea what psychosis was. But he hid his confusion.

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