Chapter 52

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        "Every single time this thing doesn't work,"Martial grumbled, tossing the Memory Orb back onto the table. He had been trying to work the thing for ages, but all it did was still release a weak pulse of white light. How was he suppose to get this crappy object to work? Geez, it was as if this thing was a dud, but he had never seen anything like this before...
Martial spun around and saw no one. He stared back at the Orb. Being around this thing was definitely making him go crazy.
     "No, up here."
He looked up.
     "Vietcong?"Martial asked, looking at the roof, recognizing the voice now and knowing his camouflaged friend was finally here.
     "Yep,"Vietcong slowly became visible. "What do you want?"Martial said, watching him jump down.
    "Saw you trying to get that to work. It doesn't activate that way,"Vietcong sounded slightly scornful.
    "Ok Mr.Genius,"Martial sarcastically said. "I suppose you know how to do it?"
      "Yeah, in fact I have my own,"Vietcong said, twirling his hand and a Memory Orb whose light resembled Vietcong's flag appeared.
     Martial was confused on how it looked like that when Vietcong answered.
     "When you figure out how to activate it, it turns into your flag. You just need to unlock one memory for that to happen and once it does, you can activate more memories but you don't get to choose which ones,"Vietcong indicated a warning at the end and Martial understood. It meant that without realizing, he might actually relieve a memory about the death of his and Philippines' parents.
      The law considered if trying to activate the Orb was worth the risk and if it would really help the relationship he had with North Korea. But it was worth a shot.
      "Fine, but UN said that every Memory Orb activates a unique way to every country,"Martial said, remembering the Organization's words.
      "True,"Vietcong said, making his Memory Orb disappear. "But I know you well enough to be able to help you. If you are willing to let me of course."
      Martial looked at Vietcong.
"Fine. But why are you here and how'd you get in?"
     For the second part of his question Vietcong jabbed a thumb at the door and for the first one he said, "I came to speak with UNESCO. But I decided to pay my dear friend a visit. Haven't seen you in a while. MPAJA and PKI are here too, right?"
      "The depressed emo that all the girls simp for and the nicotine addicted crackhead?"Martial raised a brow.
    "Very complimentary and affectionate  nicknames,"Vietcong remarked. "Now, to start your Memory Orb..."

       "Uhm, UN. What did you do?"ASEAN said, as he heard some noise coming from the room of contained enemies.
     "Oh, I just threw in South and North Sudan in there,"UN said casually. "Well, now that I think of it, throwing countries in together isn't working as I had hoped they would." ASEAN slapped his forehead.
     "You just realized?"ASEAN muttered.
"It appears so."
     "Geez UN, what are we gonna do with you?"
      UN just smiled lightly and laughed.
"Just don't call in WHO. She might be my little sister but she seems to be the only one able to discipline me effectively."
     ASEAN just facepalmed. "Seriously?"
The Organizations were having their break time for a short while before they had to get back to teaching classes.
      "So, ASEAN, how is it with your place? Fixing broken doors?"UN teased.
     The Asian Organization sighed. "Doors and windows."
    "A pity really. But EU's place is more disastrous. Trust me,"UN said, while sorting through test papers and glancing at America's memes, again.
      "He never takes his tests seriously,"ASEAN stated at America's all-famous meme. Well, this time it was just Pepe screaming with a REEEEE.
       "Hilarious,"UN commented, seeing that ASEAN had given him a F and a "Not appropriate answer."
       "Well, I've seen you haven't grown humor from his interesting drawings,"UN looked at ASEAN.
      "What's so funny about it?"ASEAN looked at the paper with an expression of "Yeah so it's a fat screaming frog what am I suppose to laugh at?"
     Before UN could reply Vietcong appeared from the doorway. And waved.
    Sure he might be a troublemaker like Vietnam, but like his brother he did have respect for the Organizations so he didn't sneak around them often.
       "Hello UN, and ASEAN,"Vietcong said, stepping into the room and looking around. "Have you seen UNESCO?"
        "No, but I believe he's with WHO," UN answered. "What for?"
       "I have to report to him about something,"Vietcong replied, sounding serious.
    UN and ASEAN looked at each other. This didn't sound good but they were not going to pry.
    "Ok, do you want me to contact UNESCO for you?"UN asked, as ASEAN sipped his coffee for mental stability- I mean, hydration.
     "Sure, I'll meet him outside,"Vietcong slowly disappeared and his unheard footsteps walked away.
      "I wonder what could've happened,"ASEAN wondered, sensing the slightly uncomfortable atmosphere.
     UN nodded and contacted UNESCO.

       The first thing Russia saw in the morning the next day was that his entire room was frozen. Completely covered in ice. The room was suddenly in the negatives in degrees and he had no idea how. It seemed that nothing escaped the Frost. The floor, the door, the roof even. His mind suddenly went to his siblings. Oh gosh, he hoped he hadn't froze the entire house. He quickly put on his shoes so he wouldn't slip, not that he would anyway and opened the Frost covered doorknob. When he opened it he was shocked to discover that the house was completely frozen over. But he didn't remember using his powers. He ran over to Belarus' room and saw that it was iced.   
      He peered into Ukraine's room, it was frozen as well. He then ran to the end of the hallway and looked into Kazakhstan's. Blue ice, everywhere. Soon, his breath came in smoky plumes.      

     How did he not realize all this? He shook his head. He'd been too tired.
      So approximately it took him 20 minutes to  discover that he had frozen the entire house. When he exited his room and went to get ready for the morning he hadn't seen that the entire hallway was frozen.
      He'd only thought that it was a pretty chilly morning. How could he be so stupid...
       Crystal clear ice started forming on the wall where he had unknowingly placed his hand. He immediately lifted it. He hadn't even summoned his Energy to use his Ice Powers. What the heck was going on?
       He placed a hand on his arm. Nothing happened so he assumed he couldn't freeze himself at least. What would he see downstairs? The ice wasn't even dripping. He didn't mean to use one of his strongest ice at all.
      Wait, what was he suppose to do again...?
Check on his siblings, right. Well, they weren't in their rooms so maybe they didn't know. Wait, they did sleep here for the night. Oh no.
       Why out of all nights did he have to freeze the entire house?! This has never happened before. What was he supposed to do? Unfreeze everything? He never could Unfreeze stuff, only someone with high fire power could and that was India. Oh and Mali, but he was with UNESCO and WHO'S group so whatever...
       Russia hated how his mind felt so muddled. Honestly, this lack of sleep was catching up to him. He hadn't even gone downstairs and he could already hear his siblings having a conversation in the living room.

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