Chapter 56

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       Russia was sitting on his chair again, staring at the book on his desk. He was freaking tired, an hour of sleep would be all he needed. But he couldn't even get a minute of the much needed rest.
     China had suggested that he go to BRICS or UN about it. After all, it wasn't like his friend had sleep-inducing powers.
    Russia thought. Was he too lazy or too tired? Or were they the same...?
     He just needed a break from all the damn drama, it was irritating to deal with.
     All he wanted to do was to get some shut eye. But no matter how hard he tried to sleep, he was always jolted back awake. He felt like he was going to go insane.
     "Russia?" The dreaded voice. Oh no.
Crap, Belarus again. Craaaaaaaaaap. There was no way he was letting her into his room. She'd blow off her head in anger at him for looking like a zombie. Then he wouldn't be able to explain and his siblings would think he was going nuts, again.
     "Just pretend you aren't here,"he thought, forgetting that his door was locked so she definitely knew he was in there.
     "Russia! Open this gosh darn door for goodness sake!"Belarus shouted, trying the doorknob once.
    Nevermind, abandon ship of non-existence.
     "What?"Russia called back, not moving from where he was, his desk. He was just half-heartedly reading a book hoping he'd sleep from how boring it was. Unfortunately didn't work for him.
     "I want to talk to you,"she stated from out his room.
     "You're literally doing that right now. What do you want?"Russia said, flipping a page back and forth, not wanting to talk.
     "I want you to open this door," was the simply reply.
    Ok. Is that all, just open the door? Russia frowned.
      But if he didn't get up Bel was probably gonna kick his a$$.
      Which was a joke but still, he guessed he'd better open the door and see whatever the hell she actually wanted. Probably to talk him out of his crippling depression again.
     He got out of his chair and walked over to the door. He opened it to see a pissed off Belarus. Jeez, what was with his sisters getting so mad at him all of a sudden?
      "Russ, what is going on?"Belarus said, stepping into his room, going past him and looking around. She turned to look at him.
      "What?" Russia asked, annoyed.
"Look at yourself! You look half-dead! Any country would mistake you for a zombie from a distance away!"Belarus exclaimed, causing Russia to roll his eyes from her dramatic words.
     "Don't you roll your eyes at me mister!"Belarus said, apparently seeing his annoyance and was now pacing back and forth. "I don't know what has gotten into you but we have to see UN about this. This has been going on for long enough."
    That jolted his thoughts immediately.
"What? Why?"Russia said, watching his sister still walking as if it helped her think.
       "I thought I made it clear. This isn't good for you,"Belarus said, smacking the side of her fist into an open palm. "We are going to see UN. He would be able to help you."
      No way, no way. Nope. This was escalating too quickly. Oh heck. He was going to have another mental breakdown. The last time he had one was because America pissed him off.
      There was no way in hell he was going to see UN about this. Because first off, positivity is simply the bane of his life, second, UN was full of positivity (don't take it the wrong way) and lastly, it sounded like she was going to take him to a therapy session.
    "I'm not going,"Russia stated  turning away, walked next to the window and looked out to avoid eye-contact. Staring at him dumbfounded, Belarus whipped around to face him further.
     "What do you mean by that? Russia, don't be stubborn for once!"She almost sounded pleading. "For your sake, talk to UN about it. What's bothering you?"
    Russia shut her out.
What's bothering him? Could she not tell? The crap he was going through, was it not obvious? Heck, just how?
      "For once just tell me-"
"Just stop!"Russia snapped, surprised by his own exclamation. "Stop it ok? You won't understand even if I told you. It's getting annoying. Just leave me alone. I don't need any of your sympathy."
      He instantly regretted saying these words as Belarus looked enraged at him.
    "Fine then!"she said angrily, turning away. "I don't even know why I bothered with you! Maybe Ukraine was right. You really are a hopeless case." With those words she stormed off, not even bothering to close the door. He didn't even have time to call her back.
     A few minutes passed.
      How he could so easily demolish his own family ties was amazing. Belarus was the one who genuinely cared about him and he had carelessly thrown her away. How did those words even escape him when he wasn't even thinking about them at all? He wished he could take back everything he said in those careless seconds. But it was too late. The damage was done. He felt as of he severed his last ties with his family.
      Great, Belarus was never going to talk to him again. Maybe he should stay at the dorms from now on. As he'd known before, his family didn't even need him anymore.
      No, he was thinking too negatively. Surely by tomorrow everything would be fine? Belarus hardly stayed mad at him for too long... No, his words had too much of an impact on her.
     Or a week from now?
Russia hated himself for this. Even worse, he hated how he couldn't even express himself as easily as other countries could. In this kind of situation, they would be crying by now. Him? He couldn't even do that. Probably because he didn't care about his siblings that much. 
      He was about to avert his gaze away from the window when he felt a sting in both of his eyes. Startled, he shook his head to clear away the sensation. It was a sudden feeling.
      Blinking he looked away and heard the door slam shut outside of his room, but it sounded too far.
      Was he seeing things? Hearing things the wrong way?
      Despite his argument with Belarus so recently he couldn't help but put it aside for a moment to contemplate on what he saw, reflected in his vision.

Black Eyes.

I know it's not the best-

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I know it's not the best-

I tried. :^

Iran: Hey! Russia's with the Black Eye gang!

NK: Oh gosh, please shut up.  >:(

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