Chapter 4

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     After being bruised and beaten Iran moped at an invisibly corner.
     "Really India?"NK asked.
"What? You'd do the same,"India answered, dusting his hands.
     "He isn't wrong,"Russia looked at North, his scarf flapping due to the wind.
"Yeah yeah whatever,"North rolled his only eye.
      They all remained silent.
"Hey,"Iran said, sounding suspiciously excited. "What about we sneak into the forest?"
       "WHAT?!"NK and India exclaimed.
"Hey, its not so bad!"Iran said, sounding wounded. "Just a sneak in!"
     "By that you probably mean one week in there,"India rolled his eyes.
"No way Iran!"NK said. "I'm not going. Like heck, what are we gonna run into in there?"
     "I thought you were fearless North,"Iran sighed in mock disappointment.
     "Fearless enough to conquer beasts unimaginable!"India started.
     "To breach the fortresses of your enemies' and to slay them with the sheer might of your awesomeness!"Iran continued.
      "OH GOSH SHUT UP!!"North snapped. But of course they didn't, only continued their duo way of annoying North.
      "And once you have persisted through the deadly quest you shall face the beast of sins!"India declared dramatically.
    "Yes,"Iran nodded gravely. "Thy shall succeed however-"
     "Oh please, don't tell me you guys are doing it again,"Cambodia came over and dunked himself down next to NK.
     "Sadly they are,"NK muttered, sounding annoyed beyond relief.
      "And onceth thy prevaileth,"Iran said, sounding triumphant. "You shall-"
    "You're putting the "th's" in the wrong place,"Russia pointed out.
     "No sucheth thing,"India shook his head as if Russia was a delinquent compared to them.
       "Do not patronizeth him,"Iran said, giving Russia the signature look of superiority.
      Meanwhile NK looked like he was ready to nuke the two jokesters.

        It was dusk until they were sitting near the beach again. NK couldn't help but wonder what was really in the forest. Grudgingly he admitted to himself that he was slightly curious.
     During the day they had skirted the outline of the forest and Iran sometimes dared himself and India to run inside and then to run back out again. But all they saw were trees. And rocks. And sticks. And bushes/shrubs. Yeah, all the regular forest details. They had even spotted an occasional spring. But besides all that, nothing.
      Of course, none of the others went in, just the other two. Not because they were scared, they just weren't too interested.
      "Well I hadn't seen anything so threateningly so far,"India said. "What could possibly be so dangerous to just go in there for a few minutes?"
      "What about how ominously dark it is?"Russia suggested, slightly sarcastic.
     "Yeah yeah sure, we will take that into account,"Iran joked. "But I think it wouldn't hurt to go in there a but longer."
      As the stars twinkled above them the tides also softly went on the shore and back in, bringing in curious looking plants and an occasional rock.
     "We should go back home,"Cambodia said, its getting late.
      "Yeah, really productive day today,"India nodded, smirking.
      "What should we do tomorrow?"India asked, "Its boring getting so many free days."
      "Hey, I'm all for no homework,"Russia said, flicking away crab that scuttled too close.
      "And not seeing Martial,"NK nodded.
"Boi, you guys nearly killed each other last year no cap," Iran said. "I heard all about it. Shame I wasn't there, I would've kicked his butt."
    "It was a Countryhumans duel, no one can interfere in it," Cambodia pointed out. "I wasn't there either though."
     "Yeah, but China did, so?"Iran waved a hand airily. "Plus, it wasn't really fair, Martial is a law. He basically has extra power bonuses."
     "Don't remind me,"NK groaned, remembering his humiliating defeat against Martial.
     "It must've been really painful,"India nodded solemnly. "Hey don't worry, if Martial picks on you again we will be there."
    "He doesn't pick on me, he wants to kill me,"NK grumbled, crossing his arms and glaring at the ground.
      Iran knew better than to pity NK so he said.
"Listen, you see Martial again, beat his a$$,"Iran grinned.
     NK looked up at him, "I've been wanting to do that."
     "Exactly, so do it when you get the chance."
"You are a terrible influence,"Russia commented, as China just hummed in slight agreement.

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