Chapter 22

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     Laos and Cambodia lay on the grass groaning.
    "I think my stomach turned inside out,"Laos bent over a bush, they heard a retching noise.
    "Eugh,"Iraq looked over the poor shrub that wilted.
     "Well sorry, plants can't handle our barf,"Iran shook his head. After the two recovered from the unfortunate and uncomfortable ordeal they sat on lthe grass, near the forest.
The fact that three days until now they were gonna go back to the Academy stayed in their thoughts for a while, until India asked Iran and Iraq, "Wait, what were you guys doing yesterday that made you both take off like that?"
    Iran and Iraq looked at each other.
"It's a secret bro,"Iran said, turning to glance at India.
     "Fine, I won't pry,"India said.
"Are you feeling ok?"NK looked warily at Laos.
    "A little nauseated,"Laos answered in a mumbling manner.
     Vietnam laughed.
"Shut up,"Laos said, even though he appeared to be smiling a little.

      America was being chased by South Korea.
     "TAIWAN!! HELP!!"
The country, said name, looked up and moved out of the way as America dashed by.
      "GET BACK HERE AMERICA!!"SK began throwing green flames at him, his arms turning into wheels.
      "EEEEEEK!!"America jumped up violently and ran.
     What was going on? Well, a dare from Mexico caused all this chaos.
     Of course, America couldn't resist showing himself off as the bravest country in the world. So he did the dare: eat all of South Korea's kimchi and Ramen noodles. And everyone knows you should never, ever, eat South Korea's favorite foods in the world, especially in front of his face.
       Taiwan just sighed. He formed a bumbler of Boba in his hand and shoved it into South's face.
       "OOMF!!"South landed on the floor with a straw in his mouth connected to the Boba. He pried it out.
     "What the HECK is this?!"South exclaimed, raising it up and staring at the mysterious black balls that swirled in the drink. "Are you trying to make me eat a living creature?!"
      America paused.
He ran back.
      "You've never heard of boba before?!"America gasped, as he stood next to Taiwan.
      "What the frick is a boba? Why does it sound so condescending?"SK wondered.
     Taiwan and America caught SK's questioning look.
     And SK caught their looks.
"What? I just prefer coffee!"SK said.
    "Dude. You better try it,"America leaned forward and shoved the straw back into SK's mouth unceremoniously.
       "MHEY!WMRA THE FRUSK DISF U DOM THRAT FOMR?!"SK's muffled voice was barely recognizable as America unknowingly taped the straw to his face.
    "Taste it or never feel the fresh air on your face again,"America said, as SK tried to pry the tape off his face instead to find both of his hands super taped to the Boba.
     "I will end you,"SK thought as he glared at America.
      "Try it,"America said, while Taiwan stared at him in an amused way.
       "Oh gosh someone please save me. America made me drink Pepsi and called it Sodaism. Now if I drink this he's going to find another joke to make fun of me for years,"SK thought in a rush.
       And he was still on the ground, great...
     "South-Kun? What are you doing on the floor?"
      SK nearly shrieked in his mind. Japan was here! FRIICK!!
       "America-Kun, what is he doing being all taped like that?"Japan asked. "He looks like a mess!"
     South nearly cried his eyeballs out that time.
     "Until he drinks the Boba that had been so generously made from Taiwan, he is not going free,"America answered her.
      "Why are you so obsessed with that?"Japan raised a brow in question.
       "He has weird obsessions for no reason,"Taiwan answered for her.
    "Damn right!"America nodded. It was was an undeniable fact that he so proudly upheld. So there they were.
       SK was not going to drink it. He still had dignity, or what is left of it as more countries stared at him on the ground. He jumped up.
      "LFET BME KHO!"SK said through the straw. America laughed so hard he had to bend over.
      "N-nope. Your g-gonna have t-to drink it!"America managed to wheeze. Mexico, who had come over pat him on the back. 
     "You ok amigo?"He questioned the American.
      "F-fine!"America wiped a tear of mirth from his eyes.
      "Oh stop bullying him,"Japan said sternly. "You know how mean this is right?"
     "You're no fun,"America pouted. "I just want him to experience the amazing tastiness of Boba! That's all!"
    SK couldn't take it anymore. If he had to endure more years of America's jokes, then he will. Just to stop the countries from staring at him...
     He finally took a sip.

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