Chapter 74

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A few days passed since the incident but North couldn't put it out of his mind. Not only were they being attacked by creatures outside, but also from other countryhumans. He placed a finger on his chin in thought. If only there was a way to prevent such things from happening.
"North, are you listening?"
ASEAN's voice interrupted his train of thought. It was a short train for those who want the specifics.
"Uhhhh. No."
ASEAN sighed. "Please do. This is understanding movement when you're Transformed."
North nodded, thinking about something else.
What about Russia? He didn't come back after he came for one day. It was unfortunate but at least no one challenged him to a Duel. He pondered hard. How could they help solve Russia's predicament? UN was busy enough as he was as were the other Organizations, what with the other situations arising.
Mysterious things too.
Other countries were also acting abnormally. Short fuses, but not as bad as when the Skryna were around. He'd heard about the Core of Discord sowing bad thoughts among the countries. But he also heard that it had been destroyed. Was there another thing fueling the countries' anger once more? Hopefully not, they really didn't need more arguments.
He decided to visit Russia during recess. And probably bring China along too. It had been a while since just the three of them gathered together for a chat.
Once he resolved to do so he waited impatiently for class to end.

China looked up from the book he was reading.
"What do you want to ask him?"
North hadn't considered the questions specifically and how to ask them. But he knew he had overflowing curiosity about Russia's condition.
North watched the graying clouds. Then at his phone which showed him the time. "I don't know."
"Well, don't go bother him yet if you don't know what to ask,"China said, flipping a page and reading. He could sense North's growing frustration at everything around them. The unnecessary hate, the constant Dueling, everything seemed to be spinning at a rapid pace. A pace they didn't seem to be keeping up with.
"If you really want to go see him, then let's go,"China stood up from where he was sitting on the grass. North jumped.

"Sorry, he isn't here,"Ukraine said bluntly, adjusting her flower crown. "He went out."
North narrowed his eye.
"Are you sure?"
"What, you think I'd lie about that?"Ukraine said exasperatedly. North was about to say something but China stopped him.
"No, we're sorry for bothering you,"China said, Ukraine nodded curtly. "But may we ask where he went?"
Ukraine shook her head. "I don't know where he went. But he definitely wouldn't be going to the Academy. Maybe he's at the dormitories."
The two looked at each other.
"We checked, he wasn't there,"North said.
"Huh, that's weird,"Ukraine said, shrugging. But she couldn't prevent a hint of worry enter her voice. "Isn't he with your other friends?"
"No, he hasn't been hanging out with us,"North replied, annoyed. "I thought you would notice."
Ukraine bristled. "What do you mean by that?"
"North, come on,"China said.
North looked at Ukraine one more time then followed his friend.

The forest was in front of them. North was skeptical. He was right to be. There didn't seem to be any sign that Russia went in. And if he did, why?
China looked at the floor. There were  some things he saw that North didn't.
"If you look at the floor,"he saw North's growing confusion. "There are pressed leaves here."
North shrugged. "And? There are pressed leaves everywhere."
He was right in that too. Even despite the ominous setting the forest had, some countries have obviously trampled here before.
China picked up a leaf.
"Yes, but there's frost,"China pointed out. "And there's a trail."
North poked the leaf with a finger. No doubt it was created with thin thin ice. Only Russia could've done that.
"Alright, I'm convinced,"North said, tossing the leaf behind him. "Let's go."

The rock was bent and curved in with odd angles. It was cold. Russia sat on it, twirling a stick mindlessly. It was black and twisted. The sharp bumps pricked his fingers, he easily ignored it. There was something bothering him...
A snap of a twig that was utterly loud to him caused him to look behind. North stood there.
China went forward and came up to Russia, crossing his arms on top of the cool hard rock.
"Solitude huh?"
Russia tossed the stick away.

He hadn't gone that far.

North jogged up and jumped onto the rock, looking around warily at the trees and the shadows. "This place doesn't seem very safe."
Staring at the ground, Russia didn't hear him. His mind was whirling with questions. Speculations.
Why was he having nightmares?
China joined North on the rock. Russia looked upwards. The graying clouds were darker and the smell of rain was in the air.
"We should go."

Raindrops splattered down. North grumbled at this. He had hoped to get inside before it rained. Nothing could be done about it now.
China gave him a glance.
"You can go if you want,"China said this while nodding towards Russia. North understood the indication. Of course, he made sure to give an excuse.
"I'm gonna go back inside. Gotta make sure that South and Japan don't start microwaving illegal substances again,"North said, leaping off the rock and nearly slipping on the grass. Which afterwards he swore to never touch grass again-
As he jogged off, China sat himself next to Russia.
"I know the situation isn't getting better Russia,"China said, as wind whipped at their hair. Russia looked at him.
   "You're not alone,"he returned Russia's stare. "We're here for you."
China looked deep in thought as he stared into the blackness of the forest around them. "This isn't the end." He narrowed his eye. "Something more complex is going on."
Russia was confused as to why he said this. "What do you mean?"
China then reminded him of the day they Transformed.
"Yeah? What about it?"Russia said, sitting and leaning on both of his elbows.
"Remember encountering something else when your Wolf Mind tried getting control?"
Russia seemed to be looking far off. Remembering... golden light.
"Was it you?"
"Yeah,"China raised a knee so he could place an arm on it. "There was someone else in your mind too."
The thought unnerved them. In varying degree of course.
"An enemy I suppose,"China suggested. "I believe that if they weren't there, your Wolf Mind wouldn't have attempted to get control so fiercely."
Russia was so busy thinking about the war and the things going around he hadn't even remembered. But now he did. Was this someone perhaps the reason why he couldn't rest as well? And if they were in his mind, how come he couldn't sense them? Who was this someone?
A sense of warning welled up in his thoughts. "How do I get them out?"
   His friend shrugged. "I already did that. But it seems that they came back...whoever they were."
      Even the forest seemed to shudder.
Russia began slowly. "So... someone's been invading my mind. But when specifically? They've never revealed themselves. We don't know who they are. And we are only speculating they're the reason why I'm not able to rest properly."
     "That just about sums it up,"China agreed. "We should go inside and talk more about it."


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