Chapter 55

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      Right, what was he going to do?
Russia pondered. What was the issue between Germany and Wales? They didn't really have conflict before. Frick it all. Why did every minute of his life have to have drama. He couldn't seem to escape it.
     He twisted the doorknob open and wondered why he was going to interfere anyway. It wasn't any of his business... But wouldn't any other country do the same? Unfortunately there was no one else in sight so it was up to him to do something. Ugh...
      What if he made things worse though? Nah, if he did at least it would give him a reason to stop trying to help people, haha.
     He stepped out and closed the door. He looked torwards Germany, Wales and Poland.
      When he got a closer look he sighed. It wasn't going to be easy. Germany had went Black Eye mode. Shi- Was he that angry? Poland spotted him immediately.
       "Russia! Thank goodness you're here!"Poland said, which was an unlikely thing he thought he would ever say. "Please help, Germany is out of control."
      No need to tell Russia that.
He stepped up and went in front of Germany and... flicked him in the forehead, without a second thought.
    "Hey!"Germany stepped back and rubbed the spot. "What the actual **** Russia?" Yep, Germany was definitely mad, he wouldn't cuss otherwise.
       "Get yourself together,"Russia said, shoving his hands into his pockets and frowning. "What were you thinking?"
     "I'll tell you all about it later,"Poland interrupted, not letting go of Germany. "Go check on Wales. Me and Niemcy here, need to have a talk." He sounded dead serious.
      Germany frowned and his eyes slightly flickered with black and red.
     "What?"Germany said, as Poland dragged him over to somewhere secluded.
       Russia let out a small sigh and looked at Wales. He immediately noticed something dripping, it was from Wales' eyes. They look like tears but when they leaked on to the grass, it caused a sizzling noise and the grass blackened. But did not crumble away.
      "It was an accident,"Wales finally said, his voice quivering, not meeting Russia's eyes. "I didn't mean to."
      Another thing Russia saw was that one of Wales' wings was twisted at an odd angle. Must've been Germany who did it.
     Wales looked ashamed at his hands, still lit with fire that Russia hadn't noticed earlier.
      "Are these your powers?"Russia asked, the Dragon country looked at him.
     "I- I don't know. I didn't know I had any, I just accidentally let it out. But I didn't know I had this kind of... ability or whatever. I really didn't mean to!"Wales sounded distressed, his eyes letting out his fearful emotions. The two countries looked at each other. Then Russia looked away and said, "Yeah, ok then. But, let's go to my place. That wing of yours is twisted up."
      Wales could still feel the piercing pain on his left shoulder blade. But his guilty emotions had temporarily covered up the feeling.
     "I don't think-"
"You don't have a choice, get your butt over before I freeze you and bring you there,"Russia said, as Wales' fire faded out.
     Wales mutely followed him inside the house since they weren't too far from it and Russia opened the door and let Wales sit on the couch, letting him brew in his own thoughts. He didn't close the door though on case that might cause Wales to get some negative vibes.
      He formed unmelting ice, wrapped it on a blue towel that was on a nearby table and tossed it to Wales who caught it and silently placed it on the joint that connected his wing to his shoulder blade.
    He stood by and looked out the window, feeling odd. He hardly interacted with others and just with his friends. But here he was, helping a country he never hung out with whatsoever. Great, he was becoming social, his father would be so proud.
      "Uhh, I'm done,"Wales muttered, holding the ice cube.
     Russia nodded, took the ice cube offered and placed it in the freezer, where other ice p4acks were formed. (For Kazakhstan who crashes into Soviet's chimney)
     "Right, about that wing,"Russia said, feeling slightly weird again as he hardly offered help to those he perceived as strangers, "I could help, if you'd like." He was glad he didn't stutter.
      Wales looked at him in disbelief.
"Really? But why? I hurt someone..."
     "It was an accident,"Russia said dismissively. "Plus, everyone's hurt someone at some point."
    Wales shook his head. But he couldn't seem to find anything to say. He looked at Russia and shifted uncomfortably.
     "I don't know..."Wales said, his tail drooping lower. His wings sagged, the twisted one lowered awkwardly. Russia had already sat on the couch.
    There was an uncomfortable moment before Wales said, "If you want, ok."
      Russia nodded and proceeded to fix back the wing.

      "Thanks,"Wales said, stretching out his wing. Still, he didn't look happy. "How'd you know how to do this?"
     "Well,"Russia said, washing his hands off some of the blood. "Kazakhstan sometimes breaks his wing when he flies into the chimney."
     "Oh yeah, he told me before."
Wales stood and inspected his wing one more time.
      "Thanks for helping me,"Wales said, sounding grateful.
       Russia was surprised, but he hid it and said, "Yeah no problem."
      "Well...Bye,"Wales said, waving a hand and leaving. "Uh, do you want me to close the door?"
     "No, I'm going to go out soon,"he replied, drying his hands.
      "Ok, cya,"Wales said, giving him a friendly look of goodbye.

     China was placing his book back on the table when he heard the door knock. Qing was asleep on the bed and dreaming.
      He went over and opened the door to see Russia standing there.
    "Hey China,"Russia said, "So I have something to talk about with you, if that's ok." He stood there awkwardly, and Chona felt that it wasn't the first awkward thing he did today.
     "Of course,"China said, stepping back and sitting on the bed. "Is it about the Face again?"
     "Well, sort of,"Russia said, sighing and sitting on a nearby chair and gazing out the window. "I hope I'm not troubling you."
      "You're not,"China said, "What makes you think that?"
      He remained silent, letting Russia think.
     The country seemed distracted.
"Is something wrong?"China said, looking at him with a questioning glint in his eye.
      "Nothing serious,"Russia said. "It's just the Face. I don't know what it wants.  When did you start seeing it?"
     China contemplated on the question Russia asked.
      "To be honest, a few months ago,"China answered, "some weeks after we moved here."
     "Why is it following us?"Russia thought.
     "Is it possible America sees it too though?"China said, making Russia wonder how he even got the idea.
     "What? He hardly notices anything,"Russia said bluntly. "He wouldn't even know what common sense was even if it flew up to him and hit him on the face."
     "I'll ask him,"China shrugged, betraying no feelings. Although Russia knew China wasn't on good terms with America, he had to appreciate how China was able to keep his emotions in control.
     If it was North having to talk to America, he'd blow up a house in seconds setting a world record each time.
     "Fine then... To be honest I just wonder why we can't have a normal life,"Russia said, leaning on his elbow on the table. "Why does being a country have to be so hard?" He looked back at China.
     "It depends on a variety of factors,"China simply answered, getting a curious expression from Russia.
     "Like what exactly? Having a war-loving status?"He was able to say stuff like this because news of the invasion had spread quickly. Almost every country heard of it.
     "Perhaps that, but Russia, I know you personally do not love war,"China said, musingly. Then he paused. "You don't want to talk just about the Face right? You wouldn't waste your time like that."  
      It took a while to respond. He did want to tall about the Face for a bit, after all it's a little unsettling having something watch you 24/7. But there was a nagging thought.
     "You're right,"Russia said. "It's just something about the invasion. The thing is Ukraine blames me for it. But what can I do? I have no control over my country at all. I'm just someone with a flag for a face and getting blamed for all the sh** that's going around in my country." Russia was a little frustrated with how his life was. Forced to take responsibility for things he didn't do, never wanted to do.
     But the blame was always one him.
How could he escape the cruel reality of the fact that his country, that he, was hurting his sister so much? Was it really his fault?
      "You aren't the only one,"China reminded him gently. "Remember, it happens to all of us. Your situation is just more difficult and less understood by others who don't know you for who you are. To be honest, I don't blame you."  


Forgot to put this: Happy Independence Day Russia!♡♡☆☆

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