Chapter 40

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        "Not. A. Word."
America was hanging upside down by the ceiling which was held by Vietnam's leaves. He was shooting devil eyes to everyone who was coming into their class.
      "My lips are sealed,"Australia snorted, in his head as he snapped pictures.
       "AUSSIE! DON'T TAKE PICTURES!! YOU JERK!!"America exclaimed angrily, swinging violently.
      Vietnam ignored the whole commotion as he texted his friends, sending an image to his Commie Homies.

Vietnam: *Vietnam has posted an image*

Laos: Wth

Cuba: XD Wish I was in the same class bro.

Vietnam:Yeah, too bad I have this class by myself.

China: North is with you.

Vietnam: He hardly counts as a person.

NK: Rude

Laos: He does have a point.

NK: >:(

Russia: ...

Cuba: When does class start again?

Vietnam: 2 hours.

Laos: Why u say dat?

Cuba: He's probably gonna cause chaos again.

       Vietnam smirked. Yep, Cuba was right. In three, two, one...


"DID WWIII START WITHOUT ME?!"Iran leaped in, with Iraq and India in tow. They had escaped their classroom to see what the commotion was about.
      They stopped when they saw what happened.
      Everyone, except for Vietnam, was covered in slime!
       "A SLIME MONSTER HAS ATTACKED!!"Iraq ran around until Iran yanked him back in.
       "Chill, must be one of Vietnam's pranks again,"India commented, as Vietnam grinned and waved at them.
      "Dude, you know what this means?"Iran said, turning to Iraq and India.
      "Yeah..."India said.
"THIS MEANS WAR!!"Iraq declared, jumping up to the only slime-unscathed table, which was Vietnam's.
      "???"Vietnam thought, as the three I's ran out.

America swung around and around.
     Australia wiped some slime off his face when he witnessed the event.
      He laughed, bending over. The rest of his classmates either were wiping the slime off of themselves or taking pics of America.  
       "What is going on here?"WHO asked. She was suppose to teach this class.
      "THEY'RE MAKING A MOCKERY OF ME!! HELP!!"America loudly said, attracting her attention immediately.
      "Oh dear,"WHO thought. "That must be America. The one ASEAN warned me about."
       It took a few minutes as they cleaned up the classroom but they succeeded nonetheless.
     "Alright, I will start by roll-call,"WHO announced, once everyone settled down.
      One by one she called out their names. Once she did she immediately slapped on their faces paperwork.  
     "You guys will be filling in the blanks on this worksheet as I teach,"WHO instructed. "This way you will have notes about Transformation."

America exclaimed loudly over his siblings' questions.
     "B-but it's right there!!"America pointed at the wall, where he saw the Face again for the fourth time that day.
     "Ame, there's nothing there,"Canada said, looking at the exact same spot where the face was. NZ and Australia scratched their heads.
     "Yeah, Cancan is right. There is nothing,"NZ said, looking at back at America who's jaw dropped.    
      "IT IS RIGHT THERE!!!"America screeched even louder, causing his siblings to cover their non-existent ears for goodness sake. 
     "But Ame-"NZ started.
"YAAAAAAAAAHH!!"America screamed.
      "And I wonder how the girls like him,"Canada said, rolling his eyes.
      America can only stare in disbelief as his siblings stared at him like he was a crazy chicken.
      Australia pat him on the back.
"Maybe your Eagle scratched you up even worse than we 'ave realized,"Australia said sympathetically.
      The American just watched his siblings leave his dorm, speechless at their disbelief.
       As soon as they did he closed the door and turned to the face, where it continued to stare at him with its ever-creeping smile.
      He walked up to it.
"Hey! They might not see you, but I do. So you better watch out man, cuz I'm watching."
      He glared threatening at the face but all it did was smile back. 
      "Say something dang it!"America exclaimed. "I look like an idiot talking to a wall!"
      After a while of the face obviously not saying anything America spun away, muttering to himself. 
     "Frick, no one believes me."

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