Chapter 12

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      Here is Romania's and America's new looks.

      Here is Romania's and America's new looks

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         India heard Pakistan swearing loudly and he went downstairs to check what the commotion was

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         India heard Pakistan swearing loudly and he went downstairs to check what the commotion was. Smoking from the kitchen Pakistan blinked hard and smoke came from his vines.
      "What the frick happened?"India muttered.

India stares curiously down the stairs banister

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India stares curiously down the stairs banister.

Pakistan's vines are smoking and slightly aflame

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Pakistan's vines are smoking and slightly aflame.

Pakistan ignored him and went to the kitchen again his vines still slightly aflame.
     "Pakistan?"India called.
      "Uhm, what happened?"India asked, raising a curious brow. It took a while for his brother to answer.
     "My vines set the wall on fire..."Pakistan muttered angrily, while waving the fire extinguisher around.
        "How'd that happen?"India wanted to ask, but kept his mouth shut.
        "Well, I'm going out,"India said, then walked out the door, closing it behind him.

       Dunking his vines in the water Pakistan went to repairing the walls again.
      They waved around. He sighed in annoyance as one of them picked up a knife and stabbed at him with it but it missed. He had no idea why his vines did such weird motions but he snatched the knife from the vine and shoved it back to the knife block. He was way too tired to try to stop his vines from grabbing utensils and throwing them around and occasionally at him.
      It was a stressful situation that no one knew about. Reason why he was in the kitchen? His vines liked to throw dangerous things and if they didn't have a knife to throw around, well, they would start reaching out to other countries to throw them instead. Then they would glare at him as if he did it on purpose.
       Those noises his vines made were the rackets he made in the morning. Which is what India often got mad about, but Pakistan wouldn't explain why because he didn't want his brother to think he was nuts or something. Or that he lacked control over his own body. Which he sort of did. He watched as a vine crept stealthily towards a scissor. He forced it back where it lay limp on the table, its white stars and moon designs shining. 
       Pakistan got up and went out of the house after he was certain the vines were done throwing things for the rest of the day.

Russia is uneasy when near the forest

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Russia is uneasy when near the forest.

     Everytime Russia passed by the forest to meet up with his friends he would look at it for a long time to see if he could find the white eyes that had stared at him. Seeing nothing once again he went off and somehow he still felt that it was watching him. And he felt troubled by it, nonetheless he went on because everytime he turned to see there would be nothing there except for innocent looking trees and bushes.

     ""FBI said, slicing away at vines that had recently grabbed at ASEAN.
     "Jeesh! I never knew that plants can attack,"EU commented as ASEAN released himself out of the strangling vines that now dropped dead to the floor.
      "I wonder what those are,"UNICEF said, helping him.
      "Well, we can always ask UN to name them,"FBI grinned, as he glanced at the other organization who was busy making a quick sketch of the other plant they had found.
     "What are you doing?"EU asked, looking.
"He's drawing the things we find and labeling their parts,"UNICEF explained.
     "That's cool,"EU said, looking around.
The organizations had started exploring the forest just that day. They decided to spend at least a week in their to see the contents to make sure that it was at least a decent area to have their activities.
     "What are we going to call these?"UNICEF asked, pointing at the vines. AU was measuring them.
      "Snarevines,"UN answered helpfully.
"Right, snares,"ASEAN said, looking slightly amused.
      "And vines,"EU added.
"Oh shut up."
      UNICEF laughed. "Well UN, how many plants do we have now?"
     "Hmm..." UN scanned the book he had brought. "7 already."
     "What about animals?"
"None,"UN said, shutting the book. "It's like this forest is devoid of life besides plants."
       "That doesn't sound so cheery,"FBI said, leaning against a tree, obviously after checking it wasn't a Snapperbranch.
       "Yeah..."EU said, now looking nervous which ASEAN realized.
     "You ok EU?"ASEAN raised a brow.
"Huh? Oh yeah! I'm fine..."EU answered, looking away which made ASEAN feel awkward.
     "Ok. If you say so,"ASEAN said, wondering what could be making EU seem so nervous. UNICEF gave him a curious glance.

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