Chapter 17

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    "How the double heck did you get my number?"
     "Let me do you one better, why the double decker biscuit did you go out into the rain like that?!"
     "That, is none of your business."

Russia knew something was wrong before he even woke up from his 3 hour sleep. When he looked out the window it was all foggy. Mist was everywhere!
      Fortunately, he wasn't the only one that saw the mist. Because lately, he had been seeing things the others couldn't.
    Once, he had seen the face appear right on the wall and he had quickly pointed it out to them. But his siblings had looked at him like he was crazy. Was he going insane? It made him uneasy just thinking about it. They didn't see the strange things he saw and he had no way of showing it to them. Plus, he didn't have Revealer's Magic so he couldn't do anything about it. Even if he did, would it have worked anyways?
     He got out of bed and put on his clothes. As he tugged down his shirt that had annoyingly tucked under itself he couldn't help but wonder what the heck could've had happened to make this morning so misty. He looked up and saw the Face again staring at him from his wall. He stared at it with a bored expression.
    Russia had seen it so many times that he didn't even care about it anymore. It had a creepy habit of popping out of nowhere and had attempted nothing , so far. It looked so sinister to him that he was slightly weirded out on why it hadn't done anything yet.
       He sat down on his bed. He didn't want to go downstairs amidst the whispering of his siblings again. And then having them stop abruptly just because he came down. He knew what they were saying about him and fortunately they said nothing about it to anyone else. The fog still lay out there, even it seemed evil. Was he going paranoid?

      "The weird thing is,"UN said, as the organizations were once more grouped in their tree house meeting area. "When we first arrived here, there were animals for some of the countries to hunt. But now, it seems all of them have disappeared."
      " Are you sure the countries didn't hunt all of them?"ASEAN asked.
     "Positive,"UNICEF nodded her head. "We had set a limit on how far they could go."
      "They had enough to eat anyways so they had no reason to go in deeper,"AU added.
    "Ugh, I hate mysteries,"EU moped, hanging over the chair.
     "Cheer up EU!"FBI slapped a hand on his back. "If you are lucky enough we can make you the first test subject of the Deadly Laughter."
     "NOPE!!"EU jumped up and ran off as if FBI had a pouch full of the Deadly powder.
      "Chill,"FBI grinned. "Anyways..."He peered out the window. "It's pretty foggy today. Wonder why the weather is all wacky."
     "Yeah, just a few days ago it was blistering hot, then it rained and there was a storm, now its misty and freezing as heck,"AU shivered.
      "Well, we gotta get used to this bizarre weather,"ASEAN said.
    "Clearly, most countries aren't used to this unusual weather shift,"BRICS shrugged, unbothered.
       "Right you are BRICS,"UNICEF nodded.
      "When the heck did we start talking about weather?"ASEAN raised a brow.
      "When FBI commented about the mysterious mist,"EU raised a finger.
    "Shut up."
"Back in order everyone!"UN clapped his hands. "Anyways, as we all know, in a month the Academy is going to open up again! And a few more new students are coming in because they're interested a bit and we have to make them feel like they are in a homecoming reunion!"
     "Which BRICS undisputedly sucks at,"EU nodded solemnly, earning a whack from ASEAN.
UN smiled."And we are going to meet them on the first day of Academy so don't worry, BRICS will have enough practice to become at least 1% cheerful!"
    UNICEF whacked UN.
"Ok ok!"UN laughed, rubbing the back of his head. "Back on track. Some other organizations from the Other Lands are going to visit as well. They miss us."
     "EEK!!"AU clapped his hands together. "Can't wait!" ●w
       "HOW THE HECK DOES HE HAVE THIS FACE?!"EU freaked out.

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