Chapter 6

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       "Where can Russia and his friends be?"EU thought, since he was the one in charge of putting the four together.
        To his amazement he saw all of them near the forest.
    "Well, that wasn't so hard,"EU said blandly to himself, wondering why they were so close to the forest.
      "Wait a demon minute,"EU thought. "How am I suppose to put them with America without arousing suspicion?"
     This was way more complicated than he thought.
Hmm, he had to think for once.
       "EU, what are you doing?"UNICEF appeared by his side. He jumped.
     "UNICEF!" He exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"
     "Came to check up on you,"UNICEF said. "Made any progress yet?"
    "Sort of,"EU shrugged. "I managed to get America into a room, he's not too happy about that."
     UNICEF chuckled a little.
"Too true, how are you going to get all three of them in there?"UNICEF questioned, curious about what solution EU might've come up with.
      "I have none so far!"EU cried. "UN basically came up with an impossible plan!"
     UNICEF seemed thoughtful. "Unless..."
She began to tell him an idea she had.
     EU thought. Maybe it would work. But, can they pull it off?

      Russia listened partially attentively as India and Iran talked about what might be in the forest.
     "Creatures that suck out your very soul!"Iran said.
      "Ghosts!"India suggested.
"Ghosts aren't real,"NK said curtly, while Russia gave him a look.
    Before any of them could say anything UNICEF teleported to their side.
     In the most serious voice she can muster she said, "I need a word with Iran and North."
      "Uh oh,"Iran said, although he was chill.
"Man, are we in trouble?"India asked, though he was grinning a little.
      "Ok fine we're coming,"Iran yawned as UNICEF gave him a stern look.
     "Great, now what did I do?"NK thought, rolling his eye.
     "Hey don't wait for us!"Iran said, as they jogged after UNICEF. "Explore the forest would ya?"
     "It was just a joke! Chill!"India laughed, as Cambodia looked at him with a surprised expression.
     "Russia, can you spare a moment?"EU asked, appearing in front of them.
     "Ok..."Russia responded, unsure what was happening.
     "Thanks!"EU said, teleporting away with Russia.
China and Cambodia just stared. India was dumbfounded.
      "What is going on?"Cambodia asked.
China shrugged.

      "AHHHHHH!!!!"Iran crashed into a room and NK was thrown in right after.
      "Ouch..."NK muttered.
"America?!"he heard Iran's immediate shocked and angry exclamation.
     "Iran?!"America's tone was similar. "What are you doing here?!"
     "I was thrown in what else?"Iran scoffed, glaring at the American.
      "North too?"America said, ignoring Iran.
"Ah frick, why are we here?"NK asked, glaring at America.
     "This can't possibly get worse, I'm stuck with the two countries that hate me the worst,"America said, sighing dramatically.
     And just then Russia walked in.
"Sorry,"EU said, Russia nodded.
     "Commie?!"America shrieked, jumping up in mock surprise.
      "Nice meeting you too,"Russia said wearily. "Just seeing you makes me sick."
     "Hey, us too,"Iran said. "I can't believe we got tricked."
      "Sorry,"UNICEF said, teleporting to them. "But you guys are staying here till y'all get along."
    "What?!"Iran, NK and America exclaimed.
"Are others getting the same treatment as well?!"America asked, still stunned by what UNICEF said.
     "Yes,"she answered him. "And have a good day." She teleported away.
     "Good day? Was that a mocking statement?"Iran questioned.
     "I believe so,"NK grumbled.

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