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Months have passed...

      Every country and organization heard the waves of the ocean. Yes, they had found a nearby seashore, unbelievably big enough to house all the countries and for the new Academy. It was as if the place had been waiting for them after the terrible battle of the Skryna. In fact, there were a cluster of trees nearby, so high, and the organizations decided to build their new meeting place there. Of course, it was EU's idea. He sort of had wanted a tree house meeting place and surprisingly enough ASEAN didn't protest but agreed. This had given UN the idea of helping the countries to reunite with one another, especially those with bad relationships with their siblings.
       The other organizations agreed and had given the countries about 4 months of break. Considering the wounds most of them have and some had trauma to get over.
      But all in all, the countries and organizations have built everything they needed. The Academy was always under improvisation. Countries have contributed their ideas. They all helped build, increasing the speed of building but each nail and board was hammered. Each stone carefully placed, each material produced by the countries strong enough to make them. UN had especially worked on the rooftops. All of the organizations have added a little secret here and there.
     In the end all of the countries and organizations were happy and were glad to have the time to be well rested.
    Plus, who knows? Maybe they will have multiple adventures awaiting them all. Secrets to be uncovered. Special powers to be revealed. Relationships fixed.

And pasts to be reawakened...

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